
Ubuntu 版本开发号

假设三位数字版本为 a.bc,实际 a 代表的就是发布年份的最后一份,bc 则是正式版本发布时的月份,就是Y.MM。

Ubuntu 4.10 - Warty Warthog (Released October 20th, 2004)

Ubuntu 5.04 - Hoary Hedgehog (Released April 8th, 2005)

Ubuntu 5.10 - Breezy Badger (Released October 13th, 2005)

Ubuntu 6.06 - Dapper Drake (Released June 1th, 2006) (LTS, Long Term Support)。

Ubuntu 6.10 - Edgy Eft (Released October 6th, 2006)

Ubuntu 7.04 - Feisty Fawn (Released April 19th, 2007)

Ubuntu 7.10 - Gutsy Gibbon (Released October 18th, 2007)

Ubuntu 8.04 - Hardy Heron (Released April 24th, 2008)(LTS)

对于长期支持版本,Ubuntu会提供长期的安全更新支持,桌面为3年,服务器长达5年之久。由于稳定安全和丰富的软件库,到现在还是有很多人在使用6.06版本。“大约每两年”发布一个LTS版本。The first official release of Ubuntu was made in October 2004 and was duly named Version 4.10, thus introducing the Y.MM numbering system. While under development, Version 4.10 was affectionately known as "the Warty Warthog," a name which continued to live on past the time when most development codenames die. Every release since then has had a similarly alliterative codename.

