SQLite,是一款轻型的数据库,是遵守ACID的关系型数据库管理系统,它包含在一个相对小的C库中。它是D.RichardHipp建立的公有领域项目。它的设计目标是嵌入式的,而且目前已经在很多嵌入式产品中使用了它,它占用资源非常的低,在嵌入式设备中,可能只需要几百K的内存就够了。它能够Windows/Linux/Unix等等主流的操作系统,同时能够跟很多程序语言相结合,比如 Tcl、C#、PHP、Java等,还有ODBC接口,同样比起Mysql、PostgreSQL这两款开源的世界著名数据库管理系统来讲,它的处理速度比他们都快。SQLite第一个Alpha版本诞生于2000年5月。 至2015年已经有15个年头,SQLite也迎来了一个版本 SQLite 3已经发布。
解压下载的文件,放到 /usr/bin/
yum install -y sqlite sqlite-devel
sqlite3 test.db #创建数据库
create table mytable(id integer primary key, value text);
insert into mytable(id, value) values(1, 'Micheal');
select * from mytable;
sqlite> .mode column;
sqlite> .header on;
sqlite> select * from test;
id value
----------- -------------
1 Micheal
2 Jenny
3 Francis
4 Kerk
.mode column 将设置为列显示模式,.header 将显示列名
sqlite> alter table mytable add column email text not null '' collate nocase;;
sqlite> create view nameview as select * from mytable;
sqlite> create index test_idx on mytable(value);
sqlite> .schema [table]
sqlite > .tables
sqlite > .indices [table ]
导出数据库到 SQL 文件:
sqlite > .output [filename ]
sqlite > .dump
sqlite > .output stdout
从 SQL 文件导入数据库:
sqlite > .read [filename ]
格式化输出数据到 CSV 格式:
sqlite >.output [filename.csv ]
sqlite >.separator ,
sqlite > select * from test;
sqlite >.output stdout
从 CSV 文件导入数据到表中:
sqlite >create table newtable ( id integer primary key, value text );
sqlite >.import [filename.csv ] newtable
/* usage: sqlite3 [database] .dump > [filename] */
sqlite3 mytable.db .dump > backup.sql
/* usage: sqlite3 [database ] < [filename ] */
sqlite3 mytable.db < backup.sql
sqlite> .help
.backup ?db? file backup db (default "main") to file
.bail on|off stop after hitting an error. default off
.databases list names and files of attached databases
.dump ?table? ... dump the database in an sql text format
if table specified, only dump tables matching
like pattern table.
.echo on|off turn command echo on or off
.exit exit this program
.explain on|off turn output mode suitable for explain on or off.
.genfkey ?options? options are:
--no-drop: do not drop old fkey triggers.
--ignore-errors: ignore tables with fkey errors
--exec: execute generated sql immediately
see file tool/genfkey.readme in the source
distribution for further information.
.header(s) on|off turn display of headers on or off
.help show this message
.import file table import data from file into table
.indices ?table? show names of all indices
if table specified, only show indices for tables
matching like pattern table.
.load file ?entry? load an extension library
.mode mode ?table? set output mode where mode is one of:
csv comma-separated values
column left-aligned columns. (see .width)
html html <table> code
insert sql insert statements for table
line one value per line
list values delimited by .separator string
tabs tab-separated values
tcl tcl list elements
.nullvalue string print string in place of null values
.output filename send output to filename
.output stdout send output to the screen
.prompt main continue replace the standard prompts
.quit exit this program
.read filename execute sql in filename
.restore ?db? file restore content of db (default "main") from file
.schema ?table? show the create statements
if table specified, only show tables matching
like pattern table.
.separator string change separator used by output mode and .import
.show show the current values for various settings
.tables ?table? list names of tables
if table specified, only list tables matching
like pattern table.
.timeout ms try opening locked tables for ms milliseconds
.width num num ... set column widths for "column" mode
.timer on|off turn the cpu timer measurement on or off