$page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']): 0;//页码
$pagesize = isset($_GET['pagesize']) ? intval($_GET['pagesize']): 10;//每页多少条,也就是一次加载多少条数据
$start = $page>0 ? ($page-1)*$pagesize : 0;//数据获取的起始位置。即limit条件的第一个参数。
$ntime2 = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, gmdate('m'), gmdate('d'), gmdate('Y'));
$limitday = $ntime2 - (40 * 24 * 3600);//40天内热文
$orwheres = " senddate > $limitday ";
//$typesql = $typeid ? " WHERE typeid=$typeid" : '';
$typesql = $typeid ? " WHERE a.arcrank=0 and a.typeid=$typeid or CONCAT( ',', a.typeid2, ',' ) LIKE '%,".$typeid.",%' " : '';
$typesql3 = $typeid ? " WHERE arcrank=0 and typeid=$typeid or CONCAT( ',', typeid2, ',' ) LIKE '%,".$typeid.",%' " : '';
} else{//hot排序
$typesql = $typeid ? " WHERE a.arcrank=0 and a.typeid=$typeid or CONCAT( ',', a.typeid2, ',' ) LIKE '%,".$typeid.",%' and ".$orwheres : " WHERE ".$orwheres;
$typesql3 = $typeid ? " WHERE arcrank=0 and typeid=$typeid or CONCAT( ',', typeid2, ',' ) LIKE '%,".$typeid.",%' and ".$orwheres : " WHERE ".$orwheres;
//print_r($typesql );exit;