#!/usr/bin/env python
#This script is aimed to grep logs by application(User should input a packageName and then we look up for the process ids then separate logs by process ids).
import os
import sys
command = "adb shell ps | grep %s | awk '{print $2}'"%(packageName)
p = os.popen(command)
##for some applications,there are multiple processes,so we should get all the process id
pid = p.readline().strip()
filters = pid
while(pid != ""):
pid = p.readline().strip()
if (pid != ''):
filters = filters + "|" + pid
#print 'command = %s;filters=%s'%(command, filters)
if (filters != '') :
cmd = 'adb logcat | grep --color=always -E "%s" '%(filters)
假设上述脚本保存成logcatPkg.py 使用方法:
androidyue~/py_works (master)$ logcatPkg.py com.android.phone
E/ActivityManager( 190): 0% 268/com.android.phone: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 210 minor 1 major
I/klogd ( 169): [69429.226898] BATT: Charging
D/WindowManager( 255): MotionEvent obtain 1 : MotionEvent{2b0a3268 action=1 x=66.70892 y=21.861084 pressure=1.0 size=0.0}
D/WindowManager( 255): MotionEvent obtain 1 : MotionEvent{2b0a3268 action=0 x=449.95306 y=18.399263 pressure=1.0 size=0.0}
D/WindowManager( 255): MotionEvent obtain 1 : MotionEvent{2b0a3268 action=1 x=366.57278 y=231.83072 pressure=1.0 size=0.0}
D/PowerManagerService( 190): setTimeoutLocked now=69520831 timeoutOverride=-1 nextState=3 when=69526831
D/WindowManager( 255): MotionEvent obtain 1 : MotionEvent{2b0a3268 action=0 x=360.5634 y=87.862915 pressure=1.0 size=0.0}
D/WindowManager( 255): MotionEvent obtain 1 : MotionEvent{2b0a3268 action=1 x=403.3803 y=185.80405 pressure=1.0 size=0.0}
D/WindowManager( 255): MotionEvent obtain 1 : MotionEvent{2b0a3268 action=0 x=323.7559 y=58.424103 pressure=1.0 size=0.0}
D/jdwp ( 268): adbd disconnected
I/klogd ( 169): [69526.400268] [mlog] do_log_poweroncause()
D/jdwp ( 268): adbd disconnected