

sysbench --test=/usr/share/doc/sysbench/tests/db/parallel_prepare.lua \ --mysql-table-engine=innodb --oltp-table-size=500000 --mysql-user=user \ --mysql-password='passwd' --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-host= \ --oltp-tables-count=16 --num-threads=8 run


sysbench --test=/usr/share/doc/sysbench/tests/db/oltp.lua --mysql-table-engine=innodb \ --oltp-table-size=500000 --mysql-user=user --mysql-password='passwd' \ --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-host= --oltp-tables-count=16 prepare


sh mysql_oltp_test.sh test atlas-24-threads read-only 3306 user passwd


sysbench --test=/usr/share/doc/sysbench/tests/db/parallel_prepare.lua \ --mysql-user=user --mysql-password='passwd' --mysql-port=3306 \ --mysql-host= --oltp-tables-count=16 --num-threads=8 cleanup


#!/bin/sh #通过sysbench测试mysql相关性能,并将关键数据存储于‘test.sysbenc_test’表中 #定义记录测试结果的mysql连接相关参数,本例我在测试机上记录测试结果 m_user='test' m_passwd='test' m_port='3307' m_host='' #定义错误日志文件 log=/tmp/mysql_oltp.log #定义测试线程 threds_num='8 24 48 64 96 128 160 196 256' #测试函数 sb_test() { #定义测试方式相关变量 tables_count=16 #测试表的数量 if [ "$3" == "read-only" ];then read_only='on';else read_only='off';fi #根据脚本参数确定是否read-only #创建记录测试信息的表 echo -e "\n---------------\n创建测测试结果表test.sysbench_test\n---------------" mysql -u$m_user -p$m_passwd -P$m_port -h$m_host <<EOF CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.sysbench_test ( scenario varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '测试场景', server_name varchar(15) NOT NULL COMMENT '被测DB name', test_type varchar(15) NOT NULL COMMENT 'read-only,read-write,insert等', sb_threads int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'sysbench 测试线程', server_load decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '以当前线程测试完后立刻记录一分钟负载值', request_total int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', request_read int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', request_write int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', request_per_second decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', total_time decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '单位秒', 95_pct_time decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '单位毫秒' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; EOF if [ $? -ne 0 ];then exit -1;fi #开始测试,每种条件测3次,分析时取平均值 echo -e "\n---------------\n场景:$2 模式:$3\n---------------" for i in {1..3};do for sb_threds in $threds_num;do #按照指定的sysbench线程测试 printf " %-10s %s\n" $sb_threds线程 第$i次运行... #result 作为每次最小测试单元的结果,根据sysbench测试结果各参数的出现顺序,以request_read、request_write、request_total、request_per_second、total_time、95_pct_time为顺序插入表中。下条命令中,egerp之后的操作是为了对sysbench的输出做筛选和格式化,以便插入数据库 sysbench --test=/usr/share/doc/sysbench/tests/db/oltp.lua --mysql-user=$6 --mysql-password=$7 --mysql-port=$5 --mysql-host=$4 --num-threads=$sb_threds run --oltp-skip-trx=on --oltp-read-only=$read_only > $log if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo -e "\nSysbench error! For more information see $log" exit -1 fi result=$(cat $log | egrep "read:|write:|read/write.*:|total:|total\ time:|approx\..*95.*:" |sed -r -e "s/[0-9]+ \(//g" -e "s/\ per sec\.\)//g" -e "s/m?s$//g" | awk '{printf("%s ",$NF)}'|sed "s/\ /,/g" | sed "s/,$//g") #测试完成后立刻记录系统一分钟负载值,可近似认为测试过程中proxy的负载抽样 load=$(ssh -p22 $4 "uptime|awk -F: '{print \$NF}'|awk -F, '{print \$1}'" 2>/dev/null) #本次测试结果写入数据库 mysql -u$m_user -p$m_passwd -P$m_port -h$m_host <<EOF 2> $log INSERT INTO test.sysbench_test (scenario,server_name,test_type,sb_threads,server_load,request_read,request_write,request_total,request_per_second,total_time,95_pct_time) VALUES ('$2','$4','$3','$sb_threds','$load',$result); EOF if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo -e "\n----------$sb_threds线程测试,第$i次插入数据库时失败----------" echo "INSERT VALUES ('$2','$4','$3',$sb_threds,$load,$result)" exit -2 fi sleep 60 #让库歇一会,也让一分钟负载能够恢复到测试前的值 done done } #结果分析函数 sb_analyse() { mysql -u$m_user -p$m_passwd -h$m_host -P$m_port <<EOF 2> $log SELECT scenario, server_name, test_type, sb_threads, convert(avg(server_load),decimal(12,2)) as server_load, convert(avg(request_total),decimal(12,0)) as request_total, convert(avg(request_read),decimal(12,0)) as request_read, convert(avg(request_write),decimal(12,0)) as request_write, convert(avg(request_per_second),decimal(12,2)) as request_per_second, convert(avg(total_time),decimal(12,2)) as total_time, convert(avg(95_pct_time),decimal(12,2)) as 95_pct_time FROM test.sysbench_test group by scenario,server_name,test_type,sb_threads EOF } #画图函数 sb_chart() { sb_analyse > /tmp/mysql_oltp.dat for chart_type in "request_per_second" "total_time" "95_pct_time";do #这里写死了关注的三个指标,也就是会画三张图 col_num=0 #该行及下面这个for循环用于取得三个指标在数据中的列号 for col_name in `cat /tmp/aualyse.txt |awk 'NR<2 {print}'`;do let col_num++ if [ $col_name == $chart_type ];then break;fi done if [ $chart_type == "request_per_second" ];then #根据图表特点为不同的chart_type设置不同的key position key_pos="bottom right" unit="" elif [ $chart_type == "total_time" ];then key_pos="top right" unit="(s)" elif [ $chart_type == "95_pct_time" ];then key_pos="top left" unit="(ms)" fi plot_cmd="set term png size 800,600;set output '/tmp/$chart_type.png';set title '$chart_type $unit';set grid;set key $key_pos;plot " if [ $# -eq 0 ];then #对分析结果中所有场景进行画图 for scenario in `mysql -u$m_user -p$m_passwd -h$m_host -P$m_port -s -e "select distinct(scenario) from test.sysbench_test" 2>/dev/null`;do sb_analyse | awk -v scenario=$scenario '$1 == scenario {print}' > /tmp/"$scenario.dat" plot_cmd=${plot_cmd}"'/tmp/"$scenario.dat"' using $col_num:xtic(4) title '$scenario' with linespoints lw 2," done plot_cmd=$(echo $plot_cmd | sed 's/,$//g') echo $plot_cmd | gnuplot else #只绘制指定的场景 for scenario in $*;do sb_analyse | awk -v scenario=$scenario '$1 == scenario {print}' > /tmp/"$scenario.dat" plot_cmd=${plot_cmd}"'/tmp/"$scenario.dat"' using $col_num:xtic(4) title '$scenario' with linespoints lw 2," done plot_cmd=$(echo $plot_cmd | sed 's/,$//g') echo "$plot_cmd" | gnuplot fi done } #脚本使用说明/参数判断 if [ $# -eq 1 ] && [ $1 == "-h" -o $1 == "--help" ];then echo -e "\nUsage: $0 {test test_scenario test_type mysql_host mysql_port mysql_user mysql_password} | {analyse} | {chart [scenario]...}\n" echo ---------- echo -e "测试: 请在脚本后跟上 test test_scenario test_type mysql_host mysql_port mysql_user mysql_password 7个参数 !" echo -e " test_type: read-only 或 read-write, 表示测试模式" echo -e " 其余4参数表示待测试MySQL连接相关信息,密码若包含特殊字符,将其置于单引号内" echo -e "----------" echo -e "分析: 请在脚本后跟上 analyse" echo -e "----------" echo -e "画图: 请在脚本后面跟上" echo -e " 会在/tmp/下生成request_per_second.png total_time.png 95_pct_time.png 三张图" echo -e " chart (对分析结果中的所有测试场景画图)" echo -e " chart scenario ... (对指定的测试场景画图,场景名可查看analyse)\n" exit -1 elif [ "$1" == "test" -a $# -eq 7 ];then sb_test $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 elif [ "$1" == "analyse" -a $# -eq 1 ];then sb_analyse elif [ "$1" == "chart" ];then #chart函数可不接参数,也可接任意个'测试场景'作为参数 arg=($*) arg_len=${#arg[@]} sb_chart ${arg[@]:1:$arg_len-1} else echo -e "\nUsage: $0 {test test_scenario test_type mysql_host mysql_port mysql_user mysql_password} | {analyse} | {chart [scenario]...}\n" fi ### by ljk 2016/10/14

