Usage: java org.apache.hive.cli.beeline.BeeLine
-u <database url> the JDBC URL to connect to
-n <username> the username to connect as
-p <password> the password to connect as
-d <driver class> the driver class to use
-e <query> query that should be executed
-f <file> script file that should be executed
--color=[true/false] control whether color is used for display
--showHeader=[true/false] show column names in query results
--headerInterval=ROWS; the interval between which heades are displayed
--fastConnect=[true/false] skip building table/column list for tab-completion
--autoCommit=[true/false] enable/disable automatic transaction commit
--verbose=[true/false] show verbose error messages and debug info
--showWarnings=[true/false] display connection warnings
--showNestedErrs=[true/false] display nested errors
--numberFormat=[pattern] format numbers using DecimalFormat pattern
--force=[true/false] continue running script even after errors
--maxWidth=MAXWIDTH the maximum width of the terminal
--maxColumnWidth=MAXCOLWIDTH the maximum width to use when displaying columns
--silent=[true/false] be more silent
--autosave=[true/false] automatically save preferences
--outputformat=[table/vertical/csv/tsv] format mode for result display
--isolation=LEVEL set the transaction isolation level
--help display this message
Thrift JDBC Server/beeline启动
启动Thrift JDBC Server:默认端口是10000
cd $SPARK_HOME/sbin
如何修改Thrift JDBC Server的默认监听端口号?借助于--hiveconf --hiveconf hive.server2.thrift.port=14000
HiveServer2 Clients 详情参见:
cd $SPARK_HOME/bin
beeline -u jdbc:hive2://hadoop000:10000/default -n hadoop
SELECT track_time, url, session_id, referer, ip, end_user_id, city_id FROM page_views WHERE city_id = -1000 limit 10;
SELECT session_id, count(*) c FROM page_views group by session_id order by c desc limit 10;