UX下安装Oracle 数据库软件时unzip的问题

当你第一次在hp-ux下安装Oracle数据库时,会遇到上传到hp-ux中的Oracle database 软件介质(*.zip格式)无法解压,原因是没有unzip这个可执行程序。

此时,可以到https://updates.oracle.com/unzips/unzips.html 这个网址去下载hp-ux下的 unizp 介质即可。 


UnZip Utilities Download

Patches downloaded from Oracle are in the .zip format.  To unzip them on your particular platform, a native executable is required.  For our customers' convenience, we have made copies available for most popular platforms.  NOTE: these are included with Oracle Data Server Version 9i Release 2.

Click on the platform to download the UnZip utility:

