


这段代码的部分片段如下,详细内容在Kubernets github:https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/pkg/admission/chain.go


// chainAdmissionHandler is an instance of admission.Interface that performs admission control using a chain of admission handlers
type chainAdmissionHandler []Interface

// NewFromPlugins returns an admission.Interface that will enforce admission control decisions of all
// the given plugins.
func NewFromPlugins(client clientset.Interface, pluginNames []string, configFilePath string) Interface {
 plugins := []Interface{}
 for _, pluginName := range pluginNames {
  plugin := InitPlugin(pluginName, client, configFilePath)
  if plugin != nil {
   plugins = append(plugins, plugin)
 return chainAdmissionHandler(plugins)

// NewChainHandler creates a new chain handler from an array of handlers. Used for testing.
func NewChainHandler(handlers ...Interface) Interface {
 return chainAdmissionHandler(handlers)

// Admit performs an admission control check using a chain of handlers, and returns immediately on first error
func (admissionHandler chainAdmissionHandler) Admit(a Attributes) error {
 for _, handler := range admissionHandler {
  if !handler.Handles(a.GetOperation()) {
  err := handler.Admit(a)
  if err != nil {
   return err
 return nil

// Handles will return true if any of the handlers handles the given operation
func (admissionHandler chainAdmissionHandler) Handles(operation Operation) bool {
 for _, handler := range admissionHandler {
  if handler.Handles(operation) {
   return true
 return false
}这段代码里面包含了一个类型的定义:type chainAdmissionHandler []Interface,两个函数Admit和Handlers都是chainAdmissionHandler这个类型的函数,也就是Interface数组的接口的实现。注意:Admin和Handlers是Interface的数组的接口实现这点很重要。两个函数NewFromPlugins,NewChainHandler返回值是Interface,但是我们发现chainAdmissionHandler(plugins)得到的命名是Interface的数组。Interface的数组和Interface肯定是不同的类型啊,编译发现居然不报错。


// Interface is an abstract, pluggable interface for Admission Control decisions.
type Interface interface {
 // Admit makes an admission decision based on the request attributes
 Admit(a Attributes) (err error)

// Handles returns true if this admission controller can handle the given operation
 // where operation can be one of CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, or CONNECT
 Handles(operation Operation) bool



