
[root@localhost ~]# influx_stress --help Usage of influx_stress: -addr string IP address and port of database where response times will persist (e.g., localhost:8086) (default ":8086") -config string The stress test file -cpuprofile filename Write the cpu profile to filename -database string name of database where the response times will persist (default "stress") -db string target database within test system for write and query load -retention-policy string name of the retention policy where the response times will persist -tags value A comma seperated list of tags -v2 Use version 2 of stress tool [root@localhost ~]#



该可执行文件为InfluxDB数据库转换工具(将数据库从b1或bz1格式转换为tsm1格式,其中b1 和 bz1 为InfluxDB 0.9版中使用过的存储引擎格式),属于InfluxDB版本兼容系列的内容。



[root@localhost ~]# influx_tsm --help Usage: influx_tsm [options] <data-path> Convert a database from b1 or bz1 format to tsm1 format. This tool will backup the directories before conversion (if not disabled). The backed-up files must be removed manually, generally after starting up the node again to make sure all of data has been converted correctly. To restore a backup: Shut down the node, remove the converted directory, and copy the backed-up directory to the original location. Options: -backup string The location to backup up the current databases. Must not be within the data directory. -dbs string Comma-delimited list of databases to convert. Default is to convert all databases. -debug string If set, http debugging endpoints will be enabled on the given address -interval duration How often status updates are printed. (default 5s) -nobackup Disable database backups. Not recommended. -parallel Perform parallel conversion. (up to GOMAXPROCS shards at once) -profile string CPU Profile location -sz uint Maximum size of individual TSM files. (default 2147483648) -y Don't ask, just convert [root@localhost ~]#


