import os
import time
import commands
import shutil
import threading
from os.path import join, getsize
import MySQLdb as mydb
# 备份目录
baseDir = "/data2/backup/backup_data/"
# ns 或 wx; 备份后是否要压缩(mydumper 自带压缩功能),要压缩 True,否则 False.
idc = 'ns'; isZip = True
# 备份失败是否重试 ,True 则重试,不重试 设 False, retry_sleep 多久后才开始重试(秒)
is_errRetryBackup = True; retry_sleep = 300
# 备份日期
backup_date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
# 备份命令
cmd = "/usr/local/bin/mydumper -h %s -u root -p password? -P %s %s -t 5 -o %s"
1. mydumper 远程批量备份, 备份列表由配置文件提供
2. 可按要求对备份是否压缩(mydumper 自动压缩)
3. 备份失败允许再尝试备份一次
4. 备份信息写入数据库
def main():
thread_pool = []
# 是否启用压缩
zip = '-c' if isZip == True else ''
# 从配置文件读取 ip, 名称, 端口, 并拼凑备份语句
#f = open('/data2/backup/cnf/other_list.cnf', 'r')
f = open('/data/other_list.cnf', 'r')
for lines in f.readlines():
if (not lines.startswith('#') and len(lines.strip()) > 0):
str = lines.split()
host, businessName, port, isMaster = str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3]
# 业务文件夹不存在则创建
dir = baseDir + '/' + businessName;
if (not os.path.exists(dir)):
dir += "/%s%s" % (businessName, backup_date)
# 业务目录: dir , 备份目录: dir/name+备份日期
strcmd = cmd % (host, port, zip, dir)
th = threading.Thread(target = mydumper, args =(strcmd, dir, businessName, host, port, is_errRetryBackup, int(isMaster)))
if (thread_pool):
for t in thread_pool:
t.daemon = True
for t in thread_pool:
def mydumper(sCmd, backupDir, businessName, host, port, is_Retry, isMaster):
master_host = ""; backup_host = host; name = businessName; port = port; backup_type = 1; file = "";
start_time = ""; stop_time = ""; returncode = 0; file_size = 0; slave_statement = ""; std_err = "";
start_time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# 清除可能遗留的备份
if (os.path.exists(backupDir)):
# 执行备份
returncode, std_err = execute(sCmd)
stop_time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
if (returncode == 0):
# 备份 std_err 返回不为空也视为出错。
if (std_err.strip() != ""):
returncode = 123456
# 获取 change master to 信息,再次校验备份是否有效
returncode, std_err, master_host, slave_statement = statement(backupDir, backup_host, isMaster)
if (returncode == 0):
file = backupDir
if (returncode != 0):
# 异常备份标记为: 日期 + _ERR
errDir = backupDir + "_ERR"
os.rename(backupDir, errDir)
file = errDir
# 获取备份大小
file_size = getDirsize(file)
if (len(std_err) > 255):
std_err = std_err[:250] + "..."
my_args = [idc, master_host, backup_host, name, port, backup_type, file, start_time, stop_time, returncode, file_size, slave_statement, std_err]
# 写入数据库
# 备份失败是否需要重备? 重备允许一次.
if (is_Retry == True and returncode != 0):
oldfile = sCmd.split('-o')[1]
pos = oldfile.rfind("/") + 1
# 获取备份全路径, 备份文件标记为重备 字样
retry_file = oldfile[:pos] + "ReBackup-" + oldfile[pos:]
retryCmd = sCmd.replace(oldfile, retry_file)
# 重备开始
mydumper(retryCmd, retry_file.strip(), name, host, port, False, isMaster)
def getDirsize(path):
# 获取备份文件夹大小
size = 0L
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
size += sum([getsize(join(root, name)) for name in files])
return (size)
def statement(path, backup_host, isMaster):
功能: 从 metadata 读取change master to 信息
1. 备份过程: 会先生成: metadata.partial, 完成后metadata.partial会重名为: metadata 并写入备份完成时间
2. metadata 分3段:
(1) Started dump: 备份开始时间.
(2) master 的log-file 和 log-pos 信息 (必有); slave 的host、log-file 和 log-pos 信息 (备机是slave 才有)
(3) Finished dump: 备份结束时间
3. 返回错码, master_host 和 change master to 信息
path += "/metadata"; sMetadata = ""; master_host = ""; er_code = 654321; er_info = "%s not exists !!!" % (path)
if (os.path.exists(path)):
if (isMaster != 1):
# 备机是 slave
num = 3
num = 2
f = open(path, 'r')
rows = f.readlines(); i = 100; lst =[]
for s in rows:
if (s.find(sFinds) > 0):
i = 1; continue
if (i <= num):
i += 1
if (isMaster == 1):
# 备机是 master
master_host = backup_host
log_file, log_pos = lst;
# 备机是 slave
master_host, log_file, log_pos = lst;
er_code = 0
er_info = ""
sMetadata = "CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='%s',MASTER_LOG_FILE='%s',MASTER_LOG_POS=%s,MASTER_USER='rep_user',MASTER_PASSWORD=''" % (master_host, log_file, log_pos )
return (er_code, er_info, master_host, sMetadata)
def execute(cmd):
1.执行 shell 命令
2.返回执行信息 (returncode = 0 则执行成功, std_err 为报错的错误信息)
returncode, std_err = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
return (returncode, std_err)
except os.error, e:
# 异常返回 1001 错误
return (1001, e)
def call_proc(my_args):
# 备份信息写入数据库
conn = mydb.connect(host = '', user = 'test', passwd = 'zxc/213?', db = 'meizu_item')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.callproc('sp_backup_i',[my_args[0], my_args[1], my_args[2], my_args[3], my_args[4], my_args[5], my_args[6], my_args[7], my_args[8], my_args[9], my_args[10], my_args[11], my_args[12]])
except mydb.Error, e:
# print "Mysql Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
cur.close(); conn.close()
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os
import time
import commands
import shutil
import threading
from os.path import join, getsize
import MySQLdb as mydb
# 备份目录
baseDir = "/data2/backup/backup_data/"
# ns 或 wx; 备份后是否要压缩(mydumper 自带压缩功能),要压缩 True,否则 False.
idc = 'ns'; isZip = True
# 备份失败是否重试 ,True 则重试,不重试 设 False, retry_sleep 多久后才开始重试(秒)
is_errRetryBackup = True; retry_sleep = 300
# 备份日期
backup_date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
# 备份命令
cmd = "/usr/local/bin/mydumper -h %s -u root -p password? -P %s %s -t 5 -o %s"