CVE-2012-1823出来时据说是“PHP远程代码执行漏洞”,曾经也“轰动一时”,当时的我只是刚踏入安全门的一个小菜,直到前段时间tomato师傅让我看一个案例,我才想起来这个漏洞。通过在 Vulhub 中对这个漏洞环境的搭建与漏洞原理的分析,我觉得还挺有意思的,故写出一篇文章来,和大家分享。
下载PHP源码,可以看到其中有个目录叫sapi。sapi在PHP中的作用,类似于一个消息的“传递者”,比如我在《 Fastcgi协议分析 && PHP-FPM未授权访问漏洞 && Exp编写 》一文中介绍的fpm,他的作用就是接受Web容器通过fastcgi协议封装好的数据,并交给PHP解释器执行。
php有一个叫php-cgi的sapi,php-cgi有两个功能,一是提供cgi方式的交互,二是提供fastcgi方式的交互。也就说,我们可以像perl一样,让web容器直接fork一个php-cgi进程执行某脚本;也可以在后台运行 php-cgi -b (php-cgi作为fastcgi的管理器),并让web容器用fastcgi协议和9000交互。
探究一下原理, RFC3875 中规定,当querystring中不包含没有解码的 = 号的情况下,要将querystring作为cgi的参数传入。所以,Apache服务器按要求实现了这个功能。
From: Rasmus Lerdorf <rasmus <at>> Subject: [PHP-DEV] php-cgi command line switch memory check Newsgroups: gmane.comp.php.devel Date: 2004-02-04 23:26:41 GMT (7 years, 49 weeks, 3 days, 20 hours and 39 minutes ago) In our SAPI cgi we have a check along these lines: if (getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE") || getenv("SERVER_NAME") || getenv("GATEWAY_INTERFACE") || getenv("REQUEST_METHOD")) { cgi = 1; } if(!cgi) getopt(...) As in, we do not parse command line args for the cgi binary if we are running in a web context. At the same time our regression testing system tries to use the cgi binary and it sets these variables in order to properly test GET/POST requests. From the regression testing system we use -d extensively to override ini settings to make sure our test environment is sane. Of course these two ideas conflict, so currently our regression testing is somewhat broken. We haven't noticed because we don't have many tests that have GET/POST data and we rarely build the cgi binary. The point of the question here is if anybody remembers why we decided not to parse command line args for the cgi version? I could easily see it being useful to be able to write a cgi script like: #!/usr/local/bin/php-cgi -d include_path= <?php ... ?> and have it work both from the command line and from a web context. As far as I can tell this wouldn't conflict with anything, but somebody at some point must have had a reason for disallowing this. -Rasmus