const TYPE_INT = 1;
const TYPE_STR = 2;
* Database configration
* @var array
private $_config = array(
‘host' => '′,
‘port' => 3306,
‘username' => ‘root',
‘password' => ‘root',
‘dbname' => ‘db_mylab',
‘tablename' => ‘t_sessions',
‘cookie_prefix' => ‘mylab_',
‘cookiepath' => ‘/',
‘cookiedomain' => ”,
‘cookie_timeout' => 900
* Table fields type array
* @var array
private $_db_fields = array(
‘crc32sid' => self::TYPE_INT,
‘sessionhash' => self::TYPE_STR,
‘idhash' => self::TYPE_STR,
‘userid' => self::TYPE_INT,
‘ipaddress' => self::TYPE_STR,
‘lastactivity' => self::TYPE_STR,
‘location' => self::TYPE_STR,
‘loggedin' => self::TYPE_INT,
‘heartbeat' => self::TYPE_STR
* db obj
* @var mysqli object
private $_mysqli = null;
* Weather the session was created or existed previously
* @var bool
private $_created = false;
* Array of changes.
* @var array
private $_changes = array();
* @var bool
private $_db_inited = false;
* session host
* @var string
private $_session_host = ”;
* session idhash
* @var string
private $_session_idhash = ”;
private $_dbsessionhash = ”;
private $_vars = array();
public function __construct()
$this->_dbsessionhash = addslashes($this->get_cookie(‘sessionhash'));
$this->_session_host = substr($_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR'], 0, 15);
#This should *never* change during a session
$this->_session_idhash = md5($_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . self::fetch_substr_ip(self::fetch_alt_ip()) );
$gotsession = false;
if ($this->_dbsessionhash)
$sql = ‘
FROM ‘ . $this->_config[‘tablename'] . ‘
WHERE crc32sid = ‘ . sprintf(‘%u', crc32($this->_dbsessionhash)) . ‘
AND sessionhash = '‘ . $this->_dbsessionhash . ‘'
AND idhash = '‘ . $this->_session_idhash . ‘'
AND heartbeat > '‘ . date(‘Y-m-d H:i:s' ,TIMENOW – $this->_config[‘cookie_timeout']) . ‘'‘;
//echo $sql;exit;
$result = $this->_mysqli->query($sql);
$session = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);