
class implementation {
 ~implementation() { std::cout << "destroying implementation\n"; }
 void do_something() { std::cout << "did something\n"; }

int test_Boost()
 boost::shared_ptr<implementation> sp1(new implementation());
 std::cout << "The Sample now has " << sp1.use_count() << " references\n";

boost::shared_ptr<implementation> sp2 = sp1;
 std::cout << "The Sample now has " << sp2.use_count() << " references\n";

 std::cout << "After Reset sp1. The Sample now has " << sp2.use_count() << " references\n";

 std::cout << "After Reset sp2.\n";

return 0;

DEFINE_bool(big_menu, true, "Include 'advanced' options in the menu listing");
DEFINE_string(languages, "english,french,german", "comma-separated list of languages to offer in the 'lang' menu");

int test_GFlags(int argc, char* argv[])
 int tmp_argc = 3;
 char** tmp_argv = NULL;
 tmp_argv = new char*[3];
 tmp_argv[0] = "";
 tmp_argv[1] = "--big_menu=false";
 tmp_argv[2] = "--languages=chinese";

//google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
 google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&tmp_argc, &tmp_argv, true);

std::cout << "argc=" << argc << std::endl;
 if (FLAGS_big_menu) {
  std::cout << "big menu is ture" << std::endl;
 else {
  std::cout << "big menu is flase" << std::endl;

std::cout << "languages=" << FLAGS_languages << std::endl;

return 0;

void thread1_test()
 std::string strTmp = "thread1_test";
 for (int i = 0; i< 1000; i++) {
  //LOG(INFO) << i;
  LOG_IF(INFO, i < 10) << i;
  //CHECK_EQ(i, 100) << "error!";
  //LOG(INFO) << strTmp;

void thread2_test()
 std::string strTmp = "thread2_test";
 for (int i = 1000; i< 2000; i++) {
  //LOG(INFO) << i;
  LOG_IF(INFO, i < 1100) << i;
  //LOG(INFO) << strTmp;

int test_GLog()
 const char* exe = "E:/GitCode/Caffe/lib/dbg/x86_vc12/testThridLibrary[dbg_x86_vc12].exe";
 //Initialize Google's logging library.

 google::SetLogDestination(google::INFO, "E:/tmp/loginfo");
 google::SetLogDestination(google::WARNING, "E:/tmp/logwarn");
 google::SetLogDestination(google::GLOG_ERROR, "E:/tmp/logerror");
 FLAGS_logbufsecs = 60;

 FLAGS_max_log_size = 10;

 FLAGS_logtostderr = false;
 boost::thread t1(boost::bind(&thread1_test));
 boost::thread t2(boost::bind(&thread2_test));



return 0;

int test_LevelDB()
 leveldb::DB* db;
 leveldb::Options options;
 options.create_if_missing = true;
 leveldb::Status status = leveldb::DB::Open(options, "E:/tmp/testLevelDB", &db);

//write key1,value1
 std::string key = "key";
 std::string value = "value";

 status = db->Put(leveldb::WriteOptions(), key, value);

 status = db->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), key, &value);
 std::cout << value << std::endl;
 std::string key2 = "key2";

