
// app/Console/Kernel protected $commands = [ // Commands\Inspire::class, // Commands\RedisSubscribe::class, // Commands\RedisPublish::class, // Commands\MakeTestRepositoryCommand::class, Commands\MakeRepositoryCommand::class, ];

然后输入php artisan命令后就能看到这个make:repository命令了。



use Config; use Illuminate\Console\Command; use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem; use Illuminate\Support\Composer; class MakeRepositoryCommand extends Command { /** * The name and signature of the console command. * * @var string */ protected $signature = 'make:repository {repository} {--model=}'; /** * The console command description. * * @var string */ protected $description = 'Make a repository and interface'; /** * @var */ protected $repository; /** * @var */ protected $model; /** * Create a new command instance. * * @param Filesystem $filesystem * @param Composer $composer */ public function __construct(Filesystem $filesystem, Composer $composer) { parent::__construct(); $this->files = $filesystem; $this->composer = $composer; } /** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { //获取repository和model两个参数值 $argument = $this->argument('repository'); $option = $this->option('model'); //自动生成RepositoryInterface和Repository文件 $this->writeRepositoryAndInterface($argument, $option); //重新生成autoload.php文件 $this->composer->dumpAutoloads(); } private function writeRepositoryAndInterface($repository, $model) { if($this->createRepository($repository, $model)){ //若生成成功,则输出信息 $this->info('Success to make a '.ucfirst($repository).' Repository and a '.ucfirst($repository).'Interface Interface'); } } private function createRepository($repository, $model) { // getter/setter 赋予成员变量值 $this->setRepository($repository); $this->setModel($model); // 创建文件存放路径, RepositoryInterface放在app/Repositories,Repository个人一般放在app/Repositories/Eloquent里 $this->createDirectory(); // 生成两个文件 return $this->createClass(); } private function createDirectory() { $directory = $this->getDirectory(); //检查路径是否存在,不存在创建一个,并赋予775权限 if(! $this->files->isDirectory($directory)){ return $this->files->makeDirectory($directory, 0755, true); } } private function getDirectory() { return Config::get('repository.directory_eloquent_path'); } private function createClass() { //渲染模板文件,替换模板文件中变量值 $templates = $this->templateStub(); $class = null; foreach ($templates as $key => $template) { //根据不同路径,渲染对应的模板文件 $class = $this->files->put($this->getPath($key), $template); } return $class; } private function getPath($class) { // 两个模板文件,对应的两个路径 $path = null; switch($class){ case 'Eloquent': $path = $this->getDirectory().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->getRepositoryName().'.php'; break; case 'Interface': $path = $this->getInterfaceDirectory().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->getInterfaceName().'.php'; break; } return $path; } private function getInterfaceDirectory() { return Config::get('repository.directory_path'); } private function getRepositoryName() { // 根据输入的repository变量参数,是否需要加上'Repository' $repositoryName = $this->getRepository(); if((strlen($repositoryName) < strlen('Repository')) || strrpos($repositoryName, 'Repository', -11)){ $repositoryName .= 'Repository'; } return $repositoryName; } private function getInterfaceName() { return $this->getRepositoryName().'Interface'; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getRepository() { return $this->repository; } /** * @param mixed $repository */ public function setRepository($repository) { $this->repository = $repository; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getModel() { return $this->model; } /** * @param mixed $model */ public function setModel($model) { $this->model = $model; } private function templateStub() { // 获取两个模板文件 $stubs = $this->getStub(); // 获取需要替换的模板文件中变量 $templateData = $this->getTemplateData(); $renderStubs = []; foreach ($stubs as $key => $stub) { // 进行模板渲染 $renderStubs[$key] = $this->getRenderStub($templateData, $stub); } return $renderStubs; } private function getStub() { $stubs = [ 'Eloquent' => $this->files->get(resource_path('stubs/Repository').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Eloquent'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'repository.stub'), 'Interface' => $this->files->get(resource_path('stubs/Repository').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'repository_interface.stub'), ]; return $stubs; } private function getTemplateData() { $repositoryNamespace = Config::get('repository.repository_namespace'); $modelNamespace = 'App\\'.$this->getModelName(); $repositoryInterfaceNamespace = Config::get('repository.repository_interface_namespace'); $repositoryInterface = $this->getInterfaceName(); $className = $this->getRepositoryName(); $modelName = $this->getModelName(); $templateVar = [ 'repository_namespace' => $repositoryNamespace, 'model_namespace' => $modelNamespace, 'repository_interface_namespace' => $repositoryInterfaceNamespace, 'repository_interface' => $repositoryInterface, 'class_name' => $className, 'model_name' => $modelName, 'model_var_name' => strtolower($modelName), ]; return $templateVar; } private function getRenderStub($templateData, $stub) { foreach ($templateData as $search => $replace) { $stub = str_replace('$'.$search, $replace, $stub); } return $stub; } private function getModelName() { $modelName = $this->getModel(); if(isset($modelName) && !empty($modelName)){ $modelName = ucfirst($modelName); }else{ // 若option选项没写,则根据repository来生成Model Name $modelName = $this->getModelFromRepository(); } return $modelName; } private function getModelFromRepository() { $repository = strtolower($this->getRepository()); $repository = str_replace('repository', '', $repository); return ucfirst($repository); } }


