[root@localhost ~]# mysql -uroot -p #登陆数据库
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
mysql> show databases; #查询当前所有的库
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| zabbix |
4 rows in set (0.02 sec)
mysql> use zabbix; #进入zabbix数据库
Database changed
mysql> show tables; #再查看一下里面有很多张表,admin密码放在users表里面。
| Tables_in_zabbix |
| acknowledges |
| actions |
| alerts |
| application_template |
| applications |
| auditlog |
| auditlog_details |
| autoreg_host |
| conditions |
| config |
| dbversion |
| dchecks |
| dhosts |
| drules |
| dservices |
| escalations |
| events |
| expressions |
| functions |
| globalmacro |
| globalvars |
| graph_discovery |
| graph_theme |
| graphs |
| graphs_items |
| group_discovery |
| group_prototype |
| groups |
| history |
| history_log |
| history_str |
| history_str_sync |
| history_sync |
| history_text |
| history_uint |
| history_uint_sync |
| host_discovery |
| host_inventory |
| hostmacro |
| hosts |
| hosts_groups |
| hosts_templates |
| housekeeper |
| httpstep |
| httpstepitem |
| httptest |
| httptestitem |
| icon_map |
| icon_mapping |
| ids |
| images |
| interface |
| interface_discovery |
| item_discovery |
| items |
| items_applications |
| maintenances |
| maintenances_groups |
| maintenances_hosts |
| maintenances_windows |
| mappings |
| media |
| media_type |
| node_cksum |
| nodes |
| opcommand |
| opcommand_grp |
| opcommand_hst |
| opconditions |
| operations |
| opgroup |
| opmessage |
| opmessage_grp |
| opmessage_usr |
| optemplate |
| profiles |
| proxy_autoreg_host |
| proxy_dhistory |
| proxy_history |
| regexps |
| rights |
| screens |
| screens_items |
| scripts |
| service_alarms |
| services |
| services_links |
| services_times |
| sessions |
| slides |
| slideshows |
| sysmap_element_url |
| sysmap_url |
| sysmaps |
| sysmaps_elements |
| sysmaps_link_triggers |
| sysmaps_links |
| timeperiods |
| trends |
| trends_uint |
| trigger_depends |
| trigger_discovery |
| triggers |
| user_history |
| users | #users表
| users_groups |
| usrgrp |
| valuemaps |
108 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from users; # 查看表里的字段,admin对应的ID是1
| userid | alias | name | surname | passwd | url | autologin | autologout | lang | refresh | type | theme | attempt_failed | attempt_ip | attempt_clock | rows_per_page |
| 1 | Admin | Zabbix | Administrator | 5fce1b3e34b520afeffb37ce08c7cd66 | | 1 | 0 | zh_CN | 30 | 3 | default | 0 | | 0 | 50 |
| 2 | guest | | | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e | | 0 | 900 | en_GB | 30 | 1 | default | 0 | | 0 | 50 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select userid,passwd from users;
| userid | passwd |
| 1 | 5fce1b3e34b520afeffb37ce08c7cd66 | #密码是加密的
| 2 | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)