





<div> <div> <ul lay-filter="demo"></ul> </div> </div>

接下来是插件以及相关JS,css引入 ,注意:路径问题,换成自己本地的路径

<link href="" > <script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <script src=""></script>


<script> //监听选中页签添加样式 layui.config({ base: '../layui/' //navbar组件js所在目录 }).use('navbar', function() { var navbar = layui.navbar(); navbar.set({ elem: '#nav', url: "../layui/nav2.json" //数据源地址,我用了本地写的json数据 }); navbar.render(); //下面的部分不是必须的 navbar.on('click(demo)', function(data) { console.log(data.elem); console.log(data.field.title);//标题 console.log(data.field.icon);//图标 console.log(data.field.href);//调转地址 layer.msg(data.field.href); }); //给选中的页签添加选中样式(解决刷新失效问题) var url = window.location.href.replace("//", ""); var relUrl = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("") + 1); //去掉参数部分 if (relUrl.indexOf("?") != -1) { relUrl = relUrl.split("?")[0]; } $("#leftNavbar a").each(function () { var that = this; if ($(that).attr("href") == relUrl) { $(that).parent().addClass("layui-this"); $(that).parents("li:eq(0)").addClass("layui-nav-itemed"); var nodes = $(that).parents("li:eq(0)").find("a .layui-nav-more"); if (nodes.length > 0) { nodes.each(function () { if ($(this).parents("dd:eq(0)").find("[href='" + relUrl + "']").length > 0) { $(this).parent().parent().addClass("layui-nav-itemed"); } }); } } }); }); </script>


/** * navbar.js * @author 御风 <> */ layui.define(['element', 'common'], function (exports) { "use strict"; var $ = layui.jquery, layer = parent.layer === undefined ? layui.layer : parent.layer, element = layui.element, common = layui.common, cacheName = 'tb_navbar'; var Navbar = function () { /** * 默认配置 */ this.config = { elem: undefined, //容器 data: undefined, //数据源 url: undefined, //数据源地址 type: 'GET', //读取方式 cached: false, //是否使用缓存 spreadOne: false //设置是否只展开一个二级菜单 }; this.v = '1.0.0'; }; //渲染 Navbar.prototype.render = function () { var _that = this; var _config = _that.config; if (typeof (_config.elem) !== 'string' && typeof (_config.elem) !== 'object') { common.throwError('Navbar error: elem参数未定义或设置出错,具体设置格式请参考文档API.'); } var $container; if (typeof (_config.elem) === 'string') { $container = $('' + _config.elem + ''); } if (typeof (_config.elem) === 'object') { $container = _config.elem; } if ($container.length === 0) { common.throwError('Navbar error:找不到elem参数配置的容器,请检查.'); } if ( === undefined && _config.url === undefined) { common.throwError('Navbar error:请为Navbar配置数据源.') } if ( !== undefined && typeof ( === 'object') { var html = getHtml(; $container.html(html); element.init(); _that.config.elem = $container; } else { if (_config.cached) { var cacheNavbar =; if (cacheNavbar.navbar === undefined) { $.ajax({ type: _config.type, url: _config.url, async: false, //_config.async, dataType: 'json', success: function (result, status, xhr) { //添加缓存, { key: 'navbar', value: result }); var html = getHtml(result); $container.html(html); element.init(); }, error: function (xhr, status, error) { common.msgError('Navbar error:' + error); }, complete: function (xhr, status) { _that.config.elem = $container; } }); } else { var html = getHtml(cacheNavbar.navbar); $container.html(html); element.init(); _that.config.elem = $container; } } else { //清空缓存, null); $.ajax({ type: _config.type, url: _config.url, async: false, //_config.async, dataType: 'json', success: function (result, status, xhr) { var html = getHtml(result); $container.html(html); element.init(); }, error: function (xhr, status, error) { common.msgError('Navbar error:' + error); }, complete: function (xhr, status) { _that.config.elem = $container; } }); } } //只展开一个二级菜单 if (_config.spreadOne) { var $ul = $container.children('ul'); $ul.find('li.layui-nav-item').each(function () { $(this).on('click', function () { $(this).siblings().removeClass('layui-nav-itemed'); }); }); } return _that; }; /** * 配置Navbar * @param {Object} options */ Navbar.prototype.set = function (options) { var that = this; = undefined; $.extend(true, that.config, options); return that; }; /** * 绑定事件 * @param {String} events * @param {Function} callback */ Navbar.prototype.on = function (events, callback) { var that = this; var _con = that.config.elem; if (typeof (events) !== 'string') { common.throwError('Navbar error:事件名配置出错,请参考API文档.'); } var lIndex = events.indexOf('('); var eventName = events.substr(0, lIndex); var filter = events.substring(lIndex + 1, events.indexOf(')')); if (eventName === 'click') { if (_con.attr('lay-filter') !== undefined) { _con.children('ul').find('li').each(function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.find('dl').length > 0) { var $dd = $this.find('dd').each(function () { $(this).on('click', function () { var $a = $(this).children('a'); var href = $'url'); var icon = $a.children('i:first').data('icon'); var title = $a.children('cite').text(); var data = { elem: $a, field: { href: href, icon: icon, title: title } } callback(data); }); }); } else { $this.on('click', function () { var $a = $this.children('a'); var href = $'url'); var icon = $a.children('i:first').data('icon'); var title = $a.children('cite').text(); var data = { elem: $a, field: { href: href, icon: icon, title: title } } callback(data); }); } }); } } }; /** * 清除缓存 */ Navbar.prototype.cleanCached = function () {, null); }; /** * 获取html字符串 * @param {Object} data */ function getHtml(data) { var ulHtml = '<ul>'; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i].spread) { ulHtml += '<li>'; } else { ulHtml += '<li>'; } if (data[i].children !== undefined && data[i].children !== null && data[i].children.length > 0) { ulHtml += '<a href="javascript:;" >' + data[i].title; ulHtml += '<span></span>'; ulHtml += '</a>'; ulHtml += '<dl>'; //二级菜单 for (var j = 0; j < data[i].children.length; j++) { //是否有孙子节点 if (data[i].children[j].children !== undefined && data[i].children[j].children !== null && data[i].children[j].children.length > 0) { ulHtml += '<dd>'; ulHtml += '<a href="javascript:;" >' + data[i].children[j].title; ulHtml += '<span></span>'; ulHtml += '</a>'; //三级菜单 ulHtml += '<dl>'; var grandsonNodes = data[i].children[j].children; for (var k = 0; k < grandsonNodes.length; k++) { ulHtml += '<dd>'; ulHtml += '<a href="'+ grandsonNodes[k].href +'" >' + grandsonNodes[k].title + '</a>'; ulHtml += '</dd>'; } ulHtml += '</dl>'; ulHtml += '</dd>'; }else{ ulHtml += '<dd>'; ulHtml += '<a href="'[i].children[j].href+'" >' + data[i].children[j].title; ulHtml += '</a>'; ulHtml += '</dd>'; } //ulHtml += '<dd title="' + data[i].children[j].title + '">'; } ulHtml += '</dl>'; } else { var dataUrl = (data[i].href !== undefined && data[i].href !== '') ? 'data-url="' + data[i].href + '"' : ''; //ulHtml += '<a href="javascript:;" ' + dataUrl + '>'; ulHtml += '<a href="' + data[i].href + '" ' + dataUrl + '>'; if (data[i].icon !== undefined && data[i].icon !== '') { if (data[i].icon.indexOf('fa-') !== -1) { ulHtml += '<i aria-hidden="true" data-icon="' + data[i].icon + '"></i>'; } else { ulHtml += '<i data-icon="' + data[i].icon + '">' + data[i].icon + '</i>'; } } ulHtml += '<cite>' + data[i].title + '</cite>'; ulHtml += '</a>'; } ulHtml += '</li>'; } ulHtml += '</ul>'; return ulHtml; } var navbar = new Navbar(); exports('navbar', function (options) { return navbar.set(options); }); });


