Node.js assert断言原理与用法分析(2)

assert.throws( () => {}, Error ); //输出 AssertionError: Missing expected exception (Error).. assert.throws( () => {throw new Error('Wrong value');}, Error ); //输出 undefined assert.throws( () => {throw new Error('Wrong value');}, /Wrong/ ); //输出 undefined assert.throws( () => {throw new Error('Wrong value');}, /wrong/ ); //输出 Error: Wrong value assert.throws( () => {throw new Error('Wrong value');}, (err) => { if ((err instanceof Error) && /value/.test(err)) { return true; } }, 'unexpected error' ); //输出 undefined

Note that error can not be a string. If a string is provided as the second argument, then error is assumed to be omitted and the string will be used for message instead. This can lead to easy-to-miss mistakes:


assert.throws(()=>{throw new Error('Wrong value');}, 'Wrong', 'did not throw with expected message'); //输出 undefined assert.throws(()=>{}, 'Wrong', 'did not throw with expected message'); //输出 AssertionError: Missing expected exception. Wrong assert.throws(()=>{}, /Wrong/, 'did not throw with expected message'); //输出 AssertionError: Missing expected exception. did not with expected message.


Throws value if value is truthy. This is useful when testing the error argument in callbacks.


assert.ifError(0); //输出 undefined assert.ifError(1); //输出 1 assert.ifError('error'); //输出 error assert.ifError(new Error('there maybe wrong')); //输出 Error: there maybe wrong

