Percona XtraBackup 压缩备份集

stream模式支持且只支持:tar 和 xbstream 两种格式,后者是xtrabackup提供的专有格式,解包时需要同名的专用命令处理

innobackupex --defaults-file=/data/mysqldata/3306/my.cnf --user=backup --password='backup' --stream=tar /tmp | gzip -> /data/mysqldata/backup/xtra_full.tar.gz innobackupex: Created backup directory /tmp 这段信息表明,流格式标准输出的数据会被临时保存到我们指定的/tmp目录 innobackupex: You must use -i (--ignore-zeros) option for extraction of the tar stream. 最后这条提示我们,解包时必须使用-i参数 [mysql@master backup]$ du -sh * 2.8G 2015-07-07_17-11-03 14M xtra_full.tar.gz 打包压缩后的差距是很大的 mkdir xbstream innobackupex --defaults-file=/data/mysqldata/3306/my.cnf --user=backup --password='backup' --stream=xbstream ./ > /data/mysqldata/backup/xbstream/incremental.xbstream ./是以当前目录作为临时存放备份的目录 解包 [mysql@master backup]$ cd xbstream/ [mysql@master xbstream]$ xbstream -x < incremental.xbstream [mysql@master xbstream]$ ls backup-my.cnf ibdata1 mysql sakila xtrabackup_binlog_info xtrabackup_info fandb incremental.xbstream performance_schema test xtrabackup_checkpoints xtrabackup_logfile

Incremental Streaming Backups using xbstream and tar Incremental streaming backups can be performed with the xbstream streaming option. Currently backups are packed in custom xbstream format. With this feature taking a BASE backup is needed as well.

Taking a base backup:
innobackupex /data/backups

Taking a local backup:
innobackupex --incremental --incremental-lsn=LSN-number --stream=xbstream ./ > incremental.xbstream

Unpacking the backup:
xbstream -x < incremental.xbstream

Taking a local backup and streaming it to the remote server and unpacking it:

innobackupex --incremental --incremental-lsn=LSN-number --stream=xbstream ./ | / ssh user@hostname " cat - | xbstream -x -C > /backup-dir/"


[mysql@master xbstream]$ xbstream -x -v < incremental.xbstream [mysql@master xbstream]$ ls backup-my.cnf ibdata1 mysql sakila xtrabackup_binlog_info xtrabackup_info fandb incremental.xbstream performance_schema test xtrabackup_checkpoints xtrabackup_logfile 可以是用-C指定解压到哪个目录 xbstream -x -v < incremental.xbstream -C /tmp [mysql@master xbstream]$ more xtrabackup_checkpoints backup_type = full-backuped from_lsn = 0 to_lsn = 143684677 last_lsn = 143684677 compact = 0 recover_binlog_info = 0


innobackupex --defaults-file=/data/mysqldata/3306/my.cnf --user=backup --password='backup' --incremental --incremental-lsn=143684677 --stream=xbstream ./ | ssh mysql@ " xbstream -x -C /data/mysqldata/backup/" 远程端: [mysql@slave backup]$ ls backup-my.cnf mysql sakila xtrabackup_binlog_info xtrabackup_info fandb ibdata1.meta performance_schema test xtrabackup_checkpoints xtrabackup_logfile Compact Backups

当备份innodb表时,可以忽略secondary index pages.这回缩小备份集的大小.负面影响是,这回增加prepare用时,因为要重建secondary index
Compact Backups需开启innodb-file-per-table

innobackupex --defaults-file=/data/mysqldata/3306/my.cnf --user=backup --password='backup' --compact /data/mysqldata/backup/

查看xtrabackup_checkpoints可以看到compact = 1

[mysql@master 2016-08-22_22-50-51]$ more xtrabackup_checkpoints backup_type = full-backuped from_lsn = 0 to_lsn = 143789687 last_lsn = 143789687 compact = 1 recover_binlog_info = 0 Preparing Compact Backups

prepare compact backup需要指定 --reduild-indexes参数

innobackupex --apply-log --rebuild-indexes /data/mysqldata/backup/2016-08-2_22-50-51/ Restoring Compact Backups innobackupex --copy-back /path/to/BACKUP-DIR compress备份



innobackupex --defaults-file=/data/mysqldata/3306/my.cnf --user=backup --password='backup' --stream=xbstream --compress --compress-threads=4 ./ > /data/mysqldata/backup/backup.xbstream


xbstream -x < backup.xbstream -C /data/mysqldata/backup/fan

