react+ant design实现Table的增、删、改的示例代码

本人小白一名,第一次学习react ,该资料为本人原创,采用的是react+ant design的Tabled的一个小demo,暂时只实现了增加,删除单行,多行删除有Bug,查看详情,呕心沥血耗时一周完成,禁止抄袭,转载请先留言,


import React from 'react'; import ReactDom from 'react-dom'; import ExampleTable from './ExampleTable.jsx' ReactDom.render( <ExampleTable/>, document.getElementById('AppRoot') );

2、ExampleTable.jsx, 注:记住引入antd.css, 否则Table组件无法正常显示。

import React from 'react'; import { Table,Button,Input,Icon,Popconfirm,Alert } from 'antd'; import AddUser from './AddUser.jsx' import UserDetails from './UserDetails.jsx' class ExampleTable extends React.Component { constructor(props) {// 构造函数 super(props); this.state = { dataSource:[ { key: 1, nid:1, name: 'tab', gender:'男' , age: 22, schoolname: '第一中学', description: '热爱班级活动,尊敬老师'}, { key: 2, nid:2, name: 'shift', gender:'男' , age: 22, schoolname: '第一中学', description: '热爱班级活动,尊敬老师'}, { key: 6, nid:6, name: 'ctrl', gender:'男' , age: 22, schoolname: '第一中学', description: '热爱班级活动,尊敬老师'}, { key: 4, nid:4, name: 'caps lock', gender:'男' , age: 22, schoolname: '第一中学', description: '热爱班级活动,尊敬老师'}, { key: 5, nid:5, name: 'enter', gender:'女' , age: 22, schoolname: '第一中学', description: '热爱班级活动,尊敬老师'} ], index : '', PersonCount :0, selectedRowKeys:[], selectedRows:[], record : 'abc' }; this.onDelete = this.onDelete.bind(this);//绑定this,声明该方法需要绑定this, 直接在onClick中调用 this.appendPerson = this.appendPerson.bind(this); this.handleSelectedDelete = this.handleSelectedDelete.bind(this); this.columns = [ { title: '编号', dataIndex: 'nid', key: 'nid' ,width:'8%'}, { title: '姓名', dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name' ,width:'15%'}, { title: '性别', dataIndex: 'gender', key: 'gender' ,width:'10%'}, { title: '年龄', dataIndex: 'age', key: 'age',width:'15%', },//render: (text, record, index) => (Math.floor(record.age/10))*10+"多岁"}, { title: '学校', dataIndex: 'schoolname', key: 'schoolname',width:'15%' }, { title: '在校表现', dataIndex: 'description', key: 'description' ,width:'20%'}, { title: '操作', dataIndex: '', key: 'operation', width:'32%',render: (text,record,index)=>( <span> <Popconfirm title="删除不可恢复,你确定要删除吗?" > <a title="用户删除" className="mgl10"onClick={this.onDelete.bind(this,index)}> <Icon type="delete"/></a> </Popconfirm> <span className="ant-divider"/> <UserDetails className="user_details" pass={record}/> </span> ) }, ]; } appendPerson(event){//得到子元素传过来的值 let array = []; let count = 0; this.state.dataSource.forEach(function (element) { Object.keys(element).some(function (key) { if (key === 'nid') { count++; array[count] = element.nid } }) }) let sortData =array.sort();//对遍历得到的数组进行排序 let MaxData = sortData[(this.state.dataSource.length)-1]//取最后一位下标的值 event.key=MaxData+1; event.nid = MaxData+1; this.setState({ dataSource:[...this.state.dataSource,event] }) } onDelete(index){ console.log(index) const dataSource = [...this.state.dataSource]; dataSource.splice(index, 1);//index为获取的索引,后面的 1 是删除几行 this.setState({ dataSource }); } handleSelectedDelete(){ if(this.state.selectedRowKeys.length>0){ console.log(...this.state.selectedRowKeys) const dataSource = [...this.state.dataSource] dataSource.splice(this.state.selectedRows,this.state.selectedRows.length) this.setState({ dataSource }); } else{ } } render() { //联动选择框 const rowSelection = { onChange: (selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) => { this.setState({//将选中的id和对象存入state selectedRowKeys:selectedRowKeys, selectedRows:selectedRows }) console.log(selectedRows,selectedRowKeys) }, onSelect: (record, selected, selectedRows) => { //console.log( record, ` selected :${selected}`,`selectedRows:${selectedRows}`); }, onSelectAll: (selected, selectedRows, changeRows) => { //console.log(selected, selectedRows, changeRows); }, getCheckboxProps: record => ({ disabled: === 'Disabled User', // Column configuration not to be checked }), } return ( <div className="div_body"> <div></div> <div> <div className="table_oftop"> <Button type="primary" icon="search" style={{float:"right",marginLeft:10}}>查询</Button> <Input placeholder="input search text" style ={{width:300,float:"right"}}/> <div> <Button type="primary" className="selectedDelete" onClick={this.handleSelectedDelete}>删除所选</Button> <AddUser className="add_user_btn" callback={this.appendPerson}/> </div> </div> <Table columns={this.columns} dataSource={this.state.dataSource} className="table" rowSelection={rowSelection} scroll ={{y:400}}/> </div> </div> ); } } module.exports = ExampleTable;


