


ASMCMD [+] > help iostat

        Displays I/O statistics for Oracle ASM disks in mounted disk groups.

        iostat [-et][--io] [--suppressheader] [--region] [-G diskgroup] [interval]

        iostat lists disk group statistics using the V$ASM_DISK_IOSTAT view.
        The options for the iostat command are described below.

        -e              - Displays error statistics (Read_Err, Write_Err).
        -G diskgroup    - Displays statistics for the disk group name.
        --suppressheader        - Suppresses column headings.
        --io            - Displays information in number of I/Os, instead 
                          of bytes.
        -t              - Displays time statistics (Read_Time, Write_Time).
        --region        - Displays information for cold and hot disk regions
                          (Cold_Reads, Cold_Writes, Hot_Reads, Hot_Writes).
        interval        - Refreshes the statistics display based on the 
                          interval value (seconds).

        The attribute descriptions for iostat command output are described 
        below. To view the complete set of statistics for a disk group, 
        use the V$ASM_DISK_IOSTAT view.
        Group_Name              Name of the disk group.
        Dsk_Name                Name of the disk.
        Reads                   Total number of bytes read from the disk. 
                                If the --io option is entered, then the value 
                                is displayed as number of I/Os.
        Writes                  Total number of bytes written from the disk.
                                If the --io option is entered, then the value 
                                is displayed as number of I/Os.
        Cold_Reads              Total number of bytes read from the cold disk 
                                region. If the --io option is entered, then 
                                the value is displayed as number of I/Os.
        Cold_Writes             Total number of bytes written from the cold 
                                disk region. If the --io option is entered,
                                then the value is displayed as number of I/Os.
        Hot_Reads               Total number of bytes read from the hot 
                                disk region. If the --io option is entered,
                                then the value is displayed as number of I/Os.
        Hot_Writes              Total number of bytes written from the hot disk 
                                region. If the --io option is entered, then the 
                                value is displayed as number of I/Os.
        Read_Err                Total number of failed I/O read requests for 
                                the disk.
        Write_Err               Total number of failed I/O write requests for 
                                the disk.
        Read_Time               Total I/O time (in hundredths of a second) for 
                                read requests for the disk if the 
                                TIMED_STATISTICS initialization parameter is 
                                set to TRUE (0 if set to FALSE).
        Write_Time              Total I/O time (in hundredths of a second) for 
                                write requests for the disk if the 
                                TIMED_STATISTICS initialization parameter is 
                                set to TRUE (0 if set to FALSE).

        The following are examples of the iostat command. The first example 
        displays disk I/O statistics for the data disk group in total number 
        of bytes. The second example displays disk I/O statistics for the data
        disk group in total number of I/O operations.


ASMCMD [+] > iostat -G data 5  
Group_Name  Dsk_Name  Reads   Writes  
DATA        DISK1     233472  6602752  
DATA        DISK2     32768   8192    

Group_Name  Dsk_Name  Reads  Writes  
DATA        DISK1     0.00   1638.40  
DATA        DISK2     0.00   0.00    

Group_Name  Dsk_Name  Reads  Writes  
DATA        DISK1     0.00   819.20  
DATA        DISK2     0.00   0.00    

Group_Name  Dsk_Name  Reads  Writes  
DATA        DISK1     0.00   1638.40  
DATA        DISK2     0.00   0.00    

Group_Name  Dsk_Name  Reads  Writes  
DATA        DISK1     0.00   1638.40  
DATA        DISK2     0.00   0.00    

Group_Name  Dsk_Name  Reads  Writes  
DATA        DISK1     0.00   819.20  
DATA        DISK2     0.00   0.00    




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