如果你的Babel配置正确,未命名的方法并不会是什么大问题。但是,如果Babel有问题的话,那么这个组件里的任何错误都显示为发生在 <>里的,这调试起来就非常麻烦了。
import React from 'react' import { observer } from 'mobx-react' import { func, bool } from 'prop-types' import './styles/Form.css' ExpandableForm.propTypes = { onSubmit: func.isRequired, expanded: bool, onExpand: func.isRequired } function ExpandableForm({ onExpand, expanded = false, children, onSubmit }) { const formStyle = expanded ? {height: 'auto'} : {height: 0} return ( <form style={formStyle} onSubmit={onSubmit}> {children} <button onClick={onExpand}>Expand</button> </form> ) } export default observer(ExpandableForm)
只能这样处理:export default observer(ExpandableForm)。
import React from 'react' import { observer } from 'mobx-react' import { func, bool } from 'prop-types' // Separate local imports from dependencies import './styles/Form.css' // Declare propTypes here, before the component (taking advantage of JS function hoisting) // You want these to be as visible as possible ExpandableForm.propTypes = { onSubmit: func.isRequired, expanded: bool, onExpand: func.isRequired } // Destructure props like so, and use default arguments as a way of setting defaultProps function ExpandableForm({ onExpand, expanded = false, children, onSubmit }) { const formStyle = expanded ? { height: 'auto' } : { height: 0 } return ( <form style={formStyle} onSubmit={onSubmit}> {children} <button onClick={onExpand}>Expand</button> </form> ) } // Wrap the component instead of decorating it export default observer(ExpandableForm)
<div> {props.downloadMode && currentImage && !currentImage.video && currentImage.blogText ? !currentImage.submitted && !currentImage.posted ? <p>Please contact us for content usage</p> : currentImage && currentImage.selected ? <button onClick={props.onSelectImage} className="btn btn-selected">Deselect</button> : currentImage && currentImage.submitted ? <button className="btn btn-submitted" disabled>Submitted</button> : currentImage && currentImage.posted ? <button className="btn btn-posted" disabled>Posted</button> : <button onClick={props.onSelectImage} className="btn btn-unselected">Select post</button> } </div>
有第三方库JSX-Control Statements可以解决这个问题。但是与其增加一个依赖,还不如这样来解决:
<div> { (() => { if(downloadMode && !videoSrc) { if(isApproved && isPosted) { return <p>Right click image and select "Save Image As.." to download</p> } else { return <p>Please contact us for content usage</p> } } // ... })() } </div>