//write command getimsi length
if(SmsMbbmsSimSocketWrite(fd, dataLength, sizeof(dataLength)) != sizeof(dataLength))
LOGE("Failed to write cmmand %d 's length to socket: %s!!!!!\n'", CMMB_REQUEST_GET_IMSI, SOCKET_NAME_CMMB_SIM_COMMAND);
goto error;
//write command getimsi
if(SmsMbbmsSimSocketWrite(fd, data, datasize) != datasize)
LOGE("Failed to write cmmand %d to socket: %s!!!!\n'", CMMB_REQUEST_GET_IMSI, SOCKET_NAME_CMMB_SIM_COMMAND);
goto error;
//write end, start read response
//read head, include length of data, 4 byte
if(SmsMbbmsSimSocketRead(fd, response_data, 4) != 4)
LOGE("Failed to read response command %d 's length from socket: %s!!!!!\n'", CMMB_REQUEST_GET_IMSI, SOCKET_NAME_CMMB_SIM_COMMAND);
goto error;
//LOGD("response_data of length: %d, %d, %d, %d!!!\n", response_data[0], response_data[1], response_data[2], response_data[3]);
//calculate length
response_length = ((response_data[0] & 0xff) << 24)
| ((response_data[1] & 0xff) << 16)
| ((response_data[2] & 0xff) << 8)
| (response_data[3] & 0xff);
//LOGD("response_length = %d\n", response_length);
//check length
if(response_length == 0)
LOGE("response %d 's length from socket: %s is not right!!!!!\n'", CMMB_REQUEST_GET_IMSI, SOCKET_NAME_CMMB_SIM_COMMAND);
goto error;