Nand flash 驱动的移植

config MTD_NAND_S3C tristate "NAND Flash support for S3C Soc" depends on (ARCH_S3C64XX || ARCH_S5P64XX || ARCH_S5PC1XX || ARCH_S5PC100) && MTD_NAND help This enables the NAND flash controller on the S3C. No board specfic support is done by this driver , each board must advertise a platform_device for the driver to attach. config MTD_NAND_S3C_DEBUG bool "S3C NAND driver debug" depends on MTD_NAND_S3C help Enable debugging of the S3C NAND driver config MTD_NAND_S3C_HWECC bool "S3C NAND Hardware ECC" depends on MTD_NAND_S3C help Enable the use of the S3C's internal ECC generator when using NAND. Early versons of the chip have had problems with incorrect ECC generation, and if using these, the default of software ECC is preferable If you lay down a device with the hardware ECC, the you will currently not be able to switch to software, as there is no implementation for ECC method used by the S3C

