// Setup the jQuery UI tabs
                cache: true, // This ensures selecting a tab does not refresh the page
                load: function(event, ui)
                    // Keep links, form submissions, etc. contained within the tab

// Adjust the IFRAME size correctly in the browser window
                    $('.contentsIframe').width((ViewPortWidth() - widthAdjust));
                    $('.contentsIframe').height((ViewPortHeight() -
                       $('.menuRow').height() - $('.tabs').height() - heightAdjust));

// Toggle arrow button image and hide/show menu area

if ($(this).hasClass('ui-icon-circle-triangle-s'))

// Adjust the IFRAME size correctly in the browser window
            $('.contentsIframe').width((ViewPortWidth() - widthAdjust));
            $('.contentsIframe').height((ViewPortHeight() -
              $('.menuRow').height() - $('.tabs').height() - heightAdjust));

// Adjust tab header width and visible iframe window
        // height and width after the window is resized
        $('.contentsIframe').width((ViewPortWidth() - widthAdjust));
        $('.contentsIframe').height((ViewPortHeight() -
          $('.menuRow').height() - $('.tabs').height() - heightAdjust));
        $('.ui-widget-header').width(ViewPortWidth() - widthAdjust);

// Adjust tab header height and width according to the IE client viewing area
        $('.ui-widget-header').width(ViewPortWidth() - widthAdjust);

// Adjust the IFRAME height correctly in the browser window
        $('.contentsIframe').height((ViewPortHeight() -
          $('.menuRow').height() - $('.tabs').height() - heightAdjust));

