
// define the data service that manages the data .factory('dataService', ['requestNotificationChannel', function (requestNotificationChannel) { // private data var hops = [ { "_id": { "$oid": "50ae677361d118e3646d7d6c"}, "Name": "Admiral", "Origin": "United Kingdom", "Alpha": 14.75, "Amount": 0.0, "Use": "Boil", "Time": 0.0, "Notes": "Bittering hops derived from Wye Challenger. Good high-alpha bittering hops. Use for: Ales Aroma: Primarily for bittering Substitutions: Target, Northdown, Challenger", "Type": "Bittering", "Form": "Pellet", "Beta": 5.6, "HSI": 15.0, "Humulene": 0.0, "Caryophyllene": 0.0, "Cohumulone": 0.0, "Myrcene": 0.0, "Substitutes": ""} , { "_id": { "$oid": "50ae677361d118e3646d7d6d"}, "Name": "Ahtanum", "Origin": "U.S.", "Alpha": 6.0, "Amount": 0.0, "Use": "Boil", "Time": 0.0, "Notes": "Distinctive aromatic hops with moderate bittering power from Washington. Use for: Distinctive aroma Substitutes: N/A", "Type": "Aroma", "Form": "Pellet", "Beta": 5.25, "HSI": 30.0, "Humulene": 0.0, "Caryophyllene": 0.0, "Cohumulone": 0.0, "Myrcene": 0.0, "Substitutes": ""} , { "_id": { "$oid": "50ae677361d118e3646d7d6e"}, "Name": "Amarillo Gold", "Origin": "U.S.", "Alpha": 8.5, "Amount": 0.0, "Use": "Boil", "Time": 0.0, "Notes": "Unknown origin, but character similar to Cascade. Use for: IPAs, Ales Aroma: Citrus, Flowery Substitutions: Cascade, Centennial", "Type": "Aroma", "Form": "Pellet", "Beta": 6.0, "HSI": 25.0, "Humulene": 0.0, "Caryophyllene": 0.0, "Cohumulone": 0.0, "Myrcene": 0.0, "Substitutes": ""} , { "_id": { "$oid": "50ae677361d118e3646d7d6f"}, "Name": "Aquila", "Origin": "U.S.", "Alpha": 6.5, "Amount": 0.0, "Use": "Boil", "Time": 0.0, "Notes": "Aroma hops developed in 1988. Limited use due to high cohumolone.Used for: Aroma hops Substitutes: ClusterNo longer commercially grown.", "Type": "Aroma", "Form": "Pellet", "Beta": 3.0, "HSI": 35.0, "Humulene": 0.0, "Caryophyllene": 0.0, "Cohumulone": 0.0, "Myrcene": 0.0, "Substitutes": ""} , { "_id": { "$oid": "50ae677361d118e3646d7d70"}, "Name": "Auscha (Saaz)", "Origin": "Czech Republic", "Alpha": 3.3, "Amount": 0.0, "Use": "Boil", "Time": 0.0, "Notes": " Use for: Pilsners and Bohemian style lagers Aroma: Delicate, mild, clean, somewhat floral -- Noble hops Substitute: Tettnanger, LublinExamples: Pulsner Urquell", "Type": "Aroma", "Form": "Pellet", "Beta": 3.5, "HSI": 42.0, "Humulene": 0.0, "Caryophyllene": 0.0, "Cohumulone": 0.0, "Myrcene": 0.0, "Substitutes": ""} , ]; // sends notification that data has been updated var saveHop = function(hop) { requestNotificationChannel.dataUpdated(); }; // removes the item from the array and sends a notification that data has been updated var deleteHop = function(hop) { for(var i = 0; i < hops.length; i++) { if(hops[i]._id.$oid === hop._id.$oid) { hops.splice(i, 1); requestNotificationChannel.dataUpdated(); return; } }; }; // internal function to generate a random number guid generation var S4 = function() { return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1); }; // generates a guid for adding items to array var guid = function () { return (S4() + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-4" + S4().substr(0,3) + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + S4() + S4()).toLowerCase(); }; // function to add a hop to the array and sends a notification that data has been updated var addHop = function(hop) { hops.id.$oid = guid(); hops.push(hop); requestNotificationChannel.dataUpdated(); }; // returns the array of hops var getHops = function() { return hops; }; // returns a specific hop with the given id var getHop = function(id) { for(var i = 0; i < hops.length; i++) { if(hops[i]._id.$oid === id) { return hops[i]; } }; }; // return the publicly accessible methods return { getHops: getHops, getHop: getHop, saveHop: saveHop, deleteHop: deleteHop, addHop: addHop } }]);


从 requestNotificationChannel 接收事件通知也很简单,额外的我们只需要回调处理器来在消息被发送时使用通知来做一些自己的处理. 我们将再次需要添加一些依赖到面向我们的控制器、服务以及指令的 requestNotificationChannel 上, 你可以在下面代码的第二行中看到这些. 接下来我们需要定义一个事件回调处理器来对事件通知做出回应,你可以在下面的第五行代码中看到. 然后我们需要通过调用 onDataUpdated 方法来吧我们的回调处理器注册到requestNotificationChannel,并传入来自控制器和回调处理器的范围, 我们在第9行代码中做了这些事情.

//define the controller for view1 .controller('view1-controller', ['$scope', 'dataService', 'requestNotificationChannel', function($scope, dataService, requestNotificationChannel) { $scope.hops = dataService.getHops(); var onDataUpdatedHandler = function() { $scope.hops = dataService.getHops(); } requestNotificationChannel.onDataUpdated($scope, onDataUpdatedHandler); $scope.onEdit = function(hop) { requestNotificationChannel.editData(hop); } $scope.onDelete = function(hop) { dataService.deleteHop(hop); } }]);


