
 * Lookup  new value for hidden value
var parent_lookup = function(){
 var lookup = $(this);
 var pid = opener.$("#" + lookup.attr('pid'));
  alert(lookup.attr('pid')+ " not found");
  return false;
 var pname = opener.$( "#" + lookup.attr('pname'));
  alert(lookup.attr('pname')+ " not found");
  return false;

var aft_script;
 //Run current after script
 if(aft_script = lookup.attr('aft_script')){

 //Only operation from opener could trigger change event
 //Parent after_script
 if(aft_script = pname.attr('aft_script')){
 if(aft_script = pid.attr('aft_script')){

 * Default upload complete
//var uploadComplete = function(event, id, fileName, responseJSON) {
var uploadComplete = function(e, data) {
 //To be replaced by jquery uploader
 var _fileUpload = $(this);

 * File upload function ,the following attribute to control action of upload
 * 'endpoint' as upload url
 * 'sid' as session id
 * 'complete' optional to configure the custom upload complete function
var genericUpload = function(dom){
 var endpointurl = $(this).attr('endpoint');
 var sid = $(this).attr("sid");
 var completeFunc = 'uploadComplete';
 //Setup custome complete function
 var cusComplete = $(this).attr('complete');
  completeFunc = cusComplete;

  url: endpointurl,
  formData: [{ 'sessionid': sid }],
  paramName: 'Filedata',

 * Matched errors with input
 * Only matched errors could be identified here
var advance_validate = function(errors, event) {
 var conf = this.getConf();
 // loop errors
 $.each(errors, function(index, error) {
   // add error class into input Dom element
   var input = error.input;     


// get handle to the error container
   var msg ="msg.el");

// create Error data if not present, and add error class for input
   // "msg.el" data is linked to error message Dom Element
   if (!msg) {
   //msg = $(conf.message).addClass(conf.messageClass).insertAfter(input);
   msg = $(conf.message).addClass(conf.messageClass).appendTo(input.parent());"msg.el", msg);

// clear the container
   msg.css({visibility: 'hidden'}).find("span").remove();

// populate messages
   $.each(error.messages, function(i, m) {

// make sure the width is not full body width so it can be positioned correctly
   if (msg.outerWidth() == msg.parent().width()) {

//insert into correct position (relative to the field)

msg.css({ visibility: 'visible'}) .fadeIn(conf.speed);    

var advance_inputs = function(inputs) {
 var conf = this.getConf();    
 inputs.removeClass(conf.errorClass).each(function() {
   var msg = $(this).data("msg.el");
   if (msg) {
 if($(".colError").size() == 0){ 
  var form = $(this);
  var errHint = form.find(".formError").first();
  if(errHint.size() == 0){
   errHint = $("#pageError");

