
Method Kind Arguments Description
[ctor](element, content)   constructor   element: element object or id, content: HTML to be inserted   Inherited from . Creates an object that will help with dynamic content insertion.  

The following code

<br>Hello, <span>Wiggum. How's it going?</span> <script> new Insertion.Bottom('person', " What's up?"); </script>

Will change the HTML to

<br>Hello, <span>Wiggum. How's it going? What's up?</span> The Insertion.After class

Inherits from


Method Kind Arguments Description
[ctor](element, content)   constructor   element: element object or id, content: HTML to be inserted   Inherited from . Creates an object that will help with dynamic content insertion.  

The following code

<br>Hello, <span>Wiggum. How's it going?</span> <script> new Insertion.After('person', ' Are you there?'); </script>

Will change the HTML to

<br>Hello, <span>Wiggum. How's it going?</span> Are you there? The Field object


Method Kind Arguments Description
clear(field1 [, field2 [, field3 [...]]])   instance   fieldN: field element object or id   清除传入表单中项目元素的值。  
present(field1 [, field2 [, field3 [...]]])   instance   fieldN: field element object or id   只有在所有的表单项目都不为空时返回 true 。  
focus(field)   instance   field: field element object or id   移动焦点到给定的表单项目。  
select(field)   instance   field: field element object or id   选择支持项目值选择的表单项目的值。  
activate(field)   instance   field: field element object or id   移动焦点并且选择支持项目值选择的表单项目的值。  

The Form object


Method Kind Arguments Description
serialize(form)   instance   form: form element object or id   返回url参数格式的项目名和值的列表, 如'field1=value1&field2=value2&field3=value3'。  
findFirstElement(form)   instance   form: form element object or id   返回Form中第一个Enable的对象。  
getElements(form)   instance   form: form element object or id   返回包含所有在表单中输入项目的 Array 对象。  
getInputs(form [, typeName [, name]])   instance   form: form element object or id, typeName: the type of the input element, name: the name of the input element.   返回一个 Array 包含所有在表单中的 <input> 元素。 另外, 这个列表可以对元素的类型或名字属性进行过滤。  
disable(form)   instance   form: form element object or id   使表单中的所有输入项目无效。  
enable(form)   instance   form: form element object or id   使表单中的所有输入项目有效。  
focusFirstElement(form)   instance   form: form element object or id   激活第一个表单中可视的,有效的输入项目。  
reset(form)   instance   form: form element object or id   重置表单。和调用表单对象的 reset() 方法一样。  

The Form.Element object


