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'Set HL = New Highlight '定义类
'HL.Language = "vb" '指定程序语言,支持 VBS ,JS ,XML, HTML, SQL, C#, Java...等
' Public Keywords  '关键字
' Public Objects  '对象
' Public SplitWords '分隔符
' Public LineComment '行注释
' Public CommentOn '多行注释
' Public CommentOff '多行注释结束
' Public Ignore  '是否区分大小写
' Public CodeContent '代码内容
' Public Tags   '标记
' Public StrOn  '字符串标记
' Public Escape  '字符串界定符转义
' Public IsMultiple '允许多行引用
'HL.CodeContent = "要高亮的代码内容"
'Response.Write(Hl.Execute) '该方法返回高亮后的代码

Class Highlight
 Public Keywords  '关键字
 Public Objects  '对象
 Public SplitWords '分隔符
 Public LineComment '行注释
 Public CommentOn '多行注释
 Public CommentOff '多行注释结束
 Public Ignore  '是否区分大小写
 Public CodeContent '代码内容
 Public Tags   '标记
 Public StrOn  '字符串标记
 Public Escape  '字符串界定符转义
 Public IsMultiple '允许多行引用
 Private Content

Private Sub Class_Initialize
  Keywords = "function,void,this,boolean,while,if,return,new,true,false,try,catch,throw,null,else,int,long,do,var"  '关键字
  Objects = "src,width,border,cellspacing,cellpadding,align,bgcolor,class,style,href,type,name,String,Number,Boolean,RegExp,Error,Math,Date" '对象
  SplitWords = " ,.?!;:\/<>(){}[]""'=+-|*%@#$^&"&VBCRLF&CHR(9) '分隔符
  LineComment = "//" '行注释
  CommentOn = "/*" '多行注释
  CommentOff = "*/" '多行注释结束
  Ignore = 0  '是否区分大小写
  Tags = "a,img,html,head,body,title,style,script,language,input,select,div,span,button,img,iframe,frame,frameset,table,tr,td,caption,form,font,meta,textarea"  '标记
  StrOn = """'"  '字符串标记
  Escape = "\"  '字符串界定符转义
  CodeContent = ""
 End Sub

Public Function Execute
  Dim S
  Dim T, Key, X, Str
  Dim Flag
  Flag = 1: S = 1
  For i = 1 to Len(CodeContent)
   If Instr(1, SplitWords, Mid(CodeContent, i, 1) , 0)>0 Then
    If Flag = 1 Then
     Key = Mid(Codecontent, S, i - S)
     If Keywords<>"" And Instr(1, ","& Keywords &"," , ","&Key&"," , Ignore)>0 Then
      Content = Content& "<font color=""blue"">"&Key&"</font>"
     ElseIf Objects<>"" And Instr(1,","& Objects &",", ","&Key&"," , Ignore)>0 Then
      Content = Content & "<font color=""red"">"&Key&"</font>"
     ElseIf Tags <>"" And Instr(1, ","& Tags &",", ","&Key&"," , Ignore)>0 Then
      Content = Content & "<font color=""#996600"">"&Key&"</font>"
      Content = Content & Key
     End If
    End if
    Flag = 0
    X = Mid(CodeContent, i, 1)
    If LineComment<>"" And Mid(CodeContent, i, Len(LineComment)) = LineComment Then
     S = Instr(i ,CodeContent, VBCRLF)
     if S = 0 Then
      S = Len(CodeContent)
     End if
     Content = Content & "<font color=""Green"">"& HtmlEnCode(Mid(CodeContent,i ,S - i ))&"</font>"
     i = S
    ElseIf StrOn<>"" And Instr(StrOn,Mid(CodeContent, i, 1))>0 Then
     Str = Mid(CodeContent, i, 1)
     S = i
      S = Instr(S + 1 ,CodeContent, Str, 1)
      if S <> 0 Then
       T = S - 1
       Do While Mid(CodeContent, T, 1) = Escape
        T = T-1
       If (S -T) Mod 2 = 1 Then
        Exit Do
       End If
       S = Len(CodeContent)
       Exit Do
      End If
     Loop While 1
     Content = Content & "<font color=""#FF00FF"">"& HtmlEnCode(Mid(CodeContent,i, S - i + 1))&"</font>"
     i = S
    ElseIf CommentOn<>"" And Mid(CodeContent, i, Len(CommentOn)) = CommentOn Then
     S = Instr(i ,CodeContent, CommentOff, 1)
     if S = 0 Then
      S = Len(CodeContent)
     End if
     Content = Content & "<font color=""Green"">"& HtmlEnCode(Mid(CodeContent,i, S - i + Len(CommentOff) ))&"</font>"
     i = S + Len(CommentOff)
    ElseIf X = "" Then
     Content = Content & "&nbsp;"
    ElseIf X = """" Then
     Content = Content & "&quot;"
    ElseIf X = "&" Then
     Content = Content & "&amp;"
    ElseIf X = "<" Then
     Content = Content & "&lt;"
    ElseIf X = ">" Then
     Content = Content & "&gt;"
    ElseIf X = Chr(9) Then
     Content = Content & "&nbsp;&nbsp;"
    ElseIf X = VBLF Then
     Content = Content & "<br />"
     Content = Content & X
    End If
    If Flag = 0 Then
     S = i
     Flag = 1
    End if
   End If
  if Flag = 1 Then
   Execute = Content & Mid(CodeContent, S)
   Execute = content
  End If
 End Function

