Firefox outerHTML实现代码(2)

function InsertHtm(op,code,isStart){
op.insertAdjacentHTML(isStart ? "afterbegin" : "afterEnd",code);
var range=op.ownerDocument.createRange();
var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(code);

DOM level 1 has no methods to allow for insertion of unparsed HTML into the document tree (as IE allows with insertAdjacentHTML or assignment to inner/outerHTML).NN6 (currently in beta as NN6PR3) know supports the .innerHTMLproperty of HTMLElements so that you can read or write the innerHTML of a page element like in IE4+.NN6 also provides a DOM level 2 compliant Range object to which a createContextualFragment('html source string')was added to spare DOM scripters the task of parsing html and creating DOM elements.You create a Range with var range = document.createRange();Then you should set its start point to the element where you want to insert the html for instance var someElement = document.getElementById('elementID'); range.setStartAfter(someElement);Then you create a document fragment from the html source to insert for example var docFrag = range.createContextualFragment('<P>Kibology for all.</P>');and insert it with DOM methods someElement.appendChild(docFrag);The Netscape JavaScript 1.5 version even provides so called setters for properties which together with the ability to prototype the DOM elements allows to emulate setting of outerHMTL for NN6:<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.5">if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') { HTMLElement.prototype.outerHTML setter = function (html) { this.outerHTMLInput = html; var range = this.ownerDocument.createRange(); range.setStartBefore(this); var docFrag = range.createContextualFragment(html); this.parentNode.replaceChild(docFrag, this); }}</SCRIPT> If you insert that script block you can then write cross browser code assigning to .innerHTML .outerHTMLfor instance document.body.innerHTML = '<P>Scriptology for all</P>';which works with both IE4/5 and NN6.The following provides getter functions for .outerHTMLto allow to read those properties in NN6 in a IE4/5 compatible way. Note that while the scheme of traversing the document tree should point you in the right direction the code example might not satisfy your needs as there are subtle difficulties when trying to reproduce the html source from the document tree. See for yourself whether you like the result and improve it as needed to cover other exceptions than those handled (for the empty elements and the textarea element).<HTML><HEAD><STYLE></STYLE><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.5">var emptyElements = { HR: true, BR: true, IMG: true, INPUT: true};var specialElements = { TEXTAREA: true};HTMLElement.prototype.outerHTML getter = function () { return getOuterHTML (this);}function getOuterHTML (node) { var html = ''; switch (node.nodeType) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: html += '<'; html += node.nodeName; if (!specialElements[node.nodeName]) { for (var a = 0; a < node.attributes.length; a++) html += ' ' + node.attributes[a].nodeName.toUpperCase() + '="' + node.attributes[a].nodeValue + '"'; html += '>'; if (!emptyElements[node.nodeName]) { html += node.innerHTML; html += '<\/' + node.nodeName + '>'; } } else switch (node.nodeName) { case 'TEXTAREA': for (var a = 0; a < node.attributes.length; a++) if (node.attributes[a].nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'value') html += ' ' + node.attributes[a].nodeName.toUpperCase() + '="' + node.attributes[a].nodeValue + '"'; else var content = node.attributes[a].nodeValue; html += '>'; html += content; html += '<\/' + node.nodeName + '>'; break; } break; case Node.TEXT_NODE: html += node.nodeValue; break; case Node.COMMENT_NODE: html += '<!' + '--' + node.nodeValue + '--' + '>'; break; } return html;}</SCRIPT></HEAD><BODY><A HREF="javascript: alert(document.documentElement.outerHTML); void 0">show document.documentElement.outerHTML</A>|<A HREF="javascript: alert(document.body.outerHTML); void 0">show document.body.outerHTML</A>|<A HREF="javascript: alert(document.documentElement.innerHTML); void 0">show document.documentElement.innerHTML</A>|<A HREF="javascript: alert(document.body.innerHTML); void 0">show document.body.innerHTML</A><FORM><TEXTAREA ROWS="5" COLS="20">JavaScript.FAQTs.comKibology for all.</TEXTAREA></FORM><DIV><P></P><BLOCKQUOTE>Kibology for all.<BR>All for Kibology.</BLOCKQUOTE></DIV></BODY></HTML>Note that the getter/setter feature is experimental and its syntax is subject to change.
HTMLElement.prototype.innerHTML setter = function (str) { var r = this.ownerDocument.createRange(); r.selectNodeContents(this); r.deleteContents(); var df = r.createContextualFragment(str); this.appendChild(df); return str;}HTMLElement.prototype.outerHTML setter = function (str) { var r = this.ownerDocument.createRange(); r.setStartBefore(this); var df = r.createContextualFragment(str); this.parentNode.replaceChild(df, this); return str;}
HTMLElement.prototype.innerHTML getter = function () { return getInnerHTML(this);}
function getInnerHTML(node) { var str = ""; for (var i=0; i<node.childNodes.length; i++) str += getOuterHTML(node.childNodes.item(i)); return str;}
HTMLElement.prototype.outerHTML getter = function () { return getOuterHTML(this)}
function getOuterHTML(node) { var str = ""; switch (node.nodeType) { case 1: // ELEMENT_NODE str += "<" + node.nodeName; for (var i=0; i<node.attributes.length; i++) { if (node.attributes.item(i).nodeValue != null) { str += " " str += node.attributes.item(i).nodeName; str += "=\""; str += node.attributes.item(i).nodeValue; str += "\""; } }
if (node.childNodes.length == 0 && leafElems[node.nodeName]) str += ">"; else { str += ">"; str += getInnerHTML(node); str += "<" + node.nodeName + ">" } break; case 3: //TEXT_NODE str += node.nodeValue; break; case 4: // CDATA_SECTION_NODE str += "<![CDATA[" + node.nodeValue + "]]>"; break; case 5: // ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE str += "&" + node.nodeName + ";" break;
case 8: // COMMENT_NODE str += "<!--" + node.nodeValue + "-->" break; }
return str;}
var _leafElems = ["IMG", "HR", "BR", "INPUT"];var leafElems = {};for (var i=0; i<_leafElems.length; i++) leafElems[_leafElems[i]] = true;
if (/Mozilla\/5\.0/.test(navigator.userAgent)) document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src=""></sc' + 'ript>');

复制代码 代码如下:

