
express应用有app.VERB()方法,它提供了路由的功能。我们将使用app.post()方法来处理"UploadChunk" 请求。在app.post()方法里我们做的第一件事是检查我们是否在处理POST请求。接下去检查Content-Type是否是mutipart/form-data,然后检查上传的文件块大小不能大于51MB。

// Use the post method for express.js to respond to posts to the uploadchunk urls and // save each file chunk as a separate file app.post('*/api/CelerFTFileUpload/UploadChunk*', function(request,response) { if (request.method === 'POST') { // Check Content-Type if (!(request.is('multipart/form-data'))){ response.status(415).send('Unsupported media type'); return; } // Check that we have not exceeded the maximum chunk upload size var maxuploadsize =51 * 1024 * 1024; if (request.headers['content-length']> maxuploadsize){ response.status(413).send('Maximum upload chunk size exceeded'); return; }


// Get the extension from the file name var extension =path.extname(request.param('filename')); // Get the base file name var baseFilename =path.basename(request.param('filename'), extension); // Create the temporary file name for the chunk var tempfilename =baseFilename + '.'+ request.param('chunkNumber').toString().padLeft('0', 16) + extension + ".tmp"; // Create the temporary directory to store the file chunk // The temporary directory will be based on the file name var tempdir =uploadpath + request.param('directoryname')+ 'https://www.jb51.net/' + baseFilename; // The path to save the file chunk var localfilepath =tempdir + 'https://www.jb51.net/'+ tempfilename; if (fs.ensureDirSync(tempdir)) { console.log('Created directory ' +tempdir); }

正如我之前提出的,我们可以通过两种方式上传文件到后端服务器。第一种方式是在web浏览器中使用FormData,然后把文件块作为二进制数据发送,另一种方式是把文件块转换成base64编码的字符串,然后创建一个手工的multipart/form-data encoded请求,然后发送到后端服务器。  

所以我们需要检查一下是否在上传的是一个手工multipart/form-data encoded请求,通过检查"CelerFT-Encoded"头部信息,如果这个头部存在,我们创建一个buffer并使用request的ondata时间把数据拷贝到buffer中。

在request的onend事件中通过将buffer呈现为字符串并按CRLF分开,从而从 multipart/form-data encoded请求中提取base64字符串。base64编码的文件块可以在数组的第四个索引中找到。


// Check if we have uploaded a hand crafted multipart/form-data request // If we have done so then the data is sent as a base64 string // and we need to extract the base64 string and save it if (request.headers['celerft-encoded']=== 'base64') { var fileSlice = newBuffer(+request.headers['content-length']); var bufferOffset = 0; // Get the data from the request request.on('data', function (chunk) { chunk.copy(fileSlice , bufferOffset); bufferOffset += chunk.length; }).on('end', function() { // Convert the data from base64 string to binary // base64 data in 4th index of the array var base64data = fileSlice.toString().split('\r\n'); var fileData = newBuffer(base64data[4].toString(), 'base64'); fs.outputFileSync(localfilepath,fileData); console.log('Saved file to ' +localfilepath); // Send back a sucessful response with the file name response.status(200).send(localfilepath); response.end(); }); }

二进制文件块的上传是通过formidable模块来处理的。我们使用formidable.IncomingForm()方法得到multipart/form-data encoded请求。formidable模块将把上传的文件块保存为一个单独的文件并保存到临时目录。我们需要做的是在formidable的onend事件中将上传的文件块保存为里一个名字。

else { // The data is uploaded as binary data. // We will use formidable to extract the data and save it var form = new formidable.IncomingForm(); form.keepExtensions = true; form.uploadDir = tempdir; // Parse the form and save the file chunks to the // default location form.parse(request, function (err, fields, files) { if (err){ response.status(500).send(err); return; } //console.log({ fields: fields, files: files }); }); // Use the filebegin event to save the file with the naming convention /*form.on('fileBegin', function (name, file) { file.path = localfilepath; });*/ form.on('error', function (err) { if (err){ response.status(500).send(err); return; } }); // After the files have been saved to the temporary name // move them to the to teh correct file name form.on('end', function (fields,files) { // Temporary location of our uploaded file var temp_path = this.openedFiles[0].path; fs.move(temp_path , localfilepath,function (err){ if (err) { response.status(500).send(err); return; } else { // Send back a sucessful response with the file name response.status(200).send(localfilepath); response.end(); } }); }); // Send back a sucessful response with the file name //response.status(200).send(localfilepath); //response.end(); } }


