ASP.NET MVC4使用MongoDB制作相册管理

ASP.NET MVC4使用MongoDB制作相册管理实例分享



public class Photo : IEquatable<Photo> { [Required] public string PhotoName { get; set; } [Required] public string PhotoDescription { get; set; } public string ServerPath { get; set; } public Photo() { } public Photo(string name, string desc) { PhotoName = name; PhotoDescription = desc; } public bool Equals(Photo other) { return string.Equals(PhotoName, other.PhotoName); } } public interface IAlbumIterable { bool HasNext(); Photo Current(); Photo Next(); } public interface IPhotosAggregable { IAlbumIterable GetIterator(); } public class AlbumIterator : IAlbumIterable { private Album collection; private int count; public AlbumIterator(Album album) { collection = album; } public Photo Current() { if (count < collection.Count) return collection[count++]; else throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } public bool HasNext() { if (count < collection.Count - 1) return true; else return false; } public Photo Next() { if (HasNext()) return collection[++count]; else throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } } public class Album : IPhotosAggregable { [BsonId] public ObjectId Id { get; set; } [Required] public string Name { get; set; } [Required] public string Description { get; set; } public string Owner { get; set; } public Photo TitlePhoto { get; set; } [BsonDateTimeOptions(Kind = DateTimeKind.Local,Representation =BsonType.DateTime)] public DateTime CreationTime { get; set; } public IList<Photo> Pictures { get; set; } public Album() { Pictures = new List<Photo>(); TitlePhoto = new Photo(); } public Album(string name, string owner, Photo pic) { Name = name; Owner = owner; TitlePhoto = pic; Pictures = new List<Photo>(); TitlePhoto = new Photo(); } public bool InsertPicture(Photo pic) { if (!Pictures.Contains(pic)) { Pictures.Add(pic); return true; } else throw new ArgumentException(); } public bool InsertPictures(List<Photo> photos) { foreach(var photo in photos) { if (!Pictures.Contains(photo)) { Pictures.Add(photo); } else throw new ArgumentException(); } return true; } public bool RemovePicture(Photo pic) { Pictures.Remove(pic); return true; } public int Count { get { return Pictures.Count; } } public Photo this[int index] { get { return Pictures[index]; } set { Pictures[index] = value; } } public IAlbumIterable GetIterator() { return new AlbumIterator(this); } }


public class MongoAlbumPerformer { protected static IMongoClient client; protected static IMongoDatabase database; private static IMongoCollection<Album> collection; private string collectionName; public MongoAlbumPerformer(string databaseName, string collectionName) { client = new MongoClient(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mongoDB"].ConnectionString); database = client.GetDatabase(databaseName); this.collectionName = collectionName; collection = database.GetCollection<Album>(collectionName, new MongoCollectionSettings { AssignIdOnInsert = true }); } public void SetCollection(string collectionName) { this.collectionName = collectionName; collection = database.GetCollection<Album>(collectionName); } public void CreateAlbum(Album album) { var document = new Album { Name = album.Name, Owner = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, Description = album.Description, CreationTime = DateTime.Now, TitlePhoto = album.TitlePhoto, Pictures = album.Pictures }; collection.InsertOne(document); } public List<Album> GetAlbumsByUserName(string username) { var projection = Builders<Album>.Projection .Include(a => a.Name) .Include(a => a.Description) .Include(a => a.TitlePhoto) .Include(a=>a.CreationTime); var result = collection .Find(a => a.Owner == HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name) .Project<Album>(projection).ToList(); return result; } public Album GetPicturesByAlbumName(string albumName) { var projection = Builders<Album>.Projection .Include(a => a.Pictures); var result = collection .Find(a => a.Owner == HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name & a.Name == albumName) .Project<Album>(projection).FirstOrDefault(); return result; } public void UpdateAlbumAddPhoto(string albumName, Photo photo) { var builder = Builders<Album>.Filter; var filter = builder.Eq(f => f.Name, albumName) & builder.Eq(f => f.Owner, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name); var result = collection.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault(); if (result == null) throw new ArgumentException("No album of supplied name: {0}", albumName); else { var picture = new Photo { PhotoName = photo.PhotoName, PhotoDescription = photo.PhotoDescription, ServerPath = photo.ServerPath, }; var update = Builders<Album>.Update.Push(a => a.Pictures, picture); collection.UpdateOne(filter, update, new UpdateOptions { IsUpsert=true }); } } public void DeletePhotoFromAlbum(string albumName, string photoName) { var builder = Builders<Album>.Filter; var filter = builder.Eq(f => f.Name, albumName) & builder.Eq(f => f.Owner, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name); var result = collection.Find(filter).SingleOrDefault(); if (result == null) throw new ArgumentException("No album of supplied name: {0}", albumName); else { var update = Builders<Album>.Update .PullFilter(a => a.Pictures, Builders<Photo>.Filter.Eq(p => p.PhotoName, photoName)); long count = collection.UpdateOne(filter, update).MatchedCount; } } }public class ServerPathFinder { public string GetBase64ImageString(HttpPostedFileBase file) { string mime = Regex.Match(file.ContentType, @"(?<=image/)\w+").Value; byte[] bytes = new byte[file.ContentLength]; file.InputStream.Read(bytes, 0, file.ContentLength); return string.Format("data:image/{0};base64,{1}",mime, Convert.ToBase64String(bytes)); } }


