ASP.NET Core集成微信登录(4)

// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. using System.Collections.Generic; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.WeChat; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity; namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder { /// <summary> /// Configuration options for <see cref="WeChatMiddleware"/>. /// </summary> public class WeChatOptions : OAuthOptions { /// <summary> /// Initializes a new <see cref="WeChatOptions"/>. /// </summary> public WeChatOptions() { AuthenticationScheme = WeChatDefaults.AuthenticationScheme; DisplayName = AuthenticationScheme; CallbackPath = new PathString("/signin-wechat"); StateAddition = "#wechat_redirect"; AuthorizationEndpoint = WeChatDefaults.AuthorizationEndpoint; TokenEndpoint = WeChatDefaults.TokenEndpoint; UserInformationEndpoint = WeChatDefaults.UserInformationEndpoint; //SaveTokens = true; //BaseScope (不弹出授权页面,直接跳转,只能获取用户openid), //InfoScope (弹出授权页面,可通过openid拿到昵称、性别、所在地。并且,即使在未关注的情况下,只要用户授权,也能获取其信息) WeChatScope = InfoScope; } // WeChat uses a non-standard term for this field. /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the WeChat-assigned appId. /// </summary> public string AppId { get { return ClientId; } set { ClientId = value; } } // WeChat uses a non-standard term for this field. /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the WeChat-assigned app secret. /// </summary> public string AppSecret { get { return ClientSecret; } set { ClientSecret = value; } } public string StateAddition { get; set; } public string WeChatScope { get; set; } public string BaseScope = "snsapi_base"; public string InfoScope = "snsapi_userinfo"; } }

