ASP.NET MVC5+EF6+EasyUI 后台管理系统(81)



ASP.NET MVC5+EF6+EasyUI 后台管理系统(81)











ASP.NET MVC5+EF6+EasyUI 后台管理系统(81)


(function($){ function getPluginName(target){ if ($(target).data('treegrid')){ return 'treegrid'; } else { return 'datagrid'; } } var autoSizeColumn1 = $.fn.datagrid.methods.autoSizeColumn; var loadDataMethod1 = $.fn.datagrid.methods.loadData; var appendMethod1 = $.fn.datagrid.methods.appendRow; var deleteMethod1 = $.fn.datagrid.methods.deleteRow; $.extend($.fn.datagrid.methods, { autoSizeColumn: function(jq, field){ return jq.each(function(){ var fc = $(this).datagrid('getPanel').find('.datagrid-header .datagrid-filter-c'); fc.hide();$.fn.datagrid.methods, $(this), field);; resizeFilter(this, field); }); }, loadData: function(jq, data){ jq.each(function(){ $.data(this, 'datagrid').filterSource = null; }); return$.fn.datagrid.methods, jq, data); }, appendRow: function(jq, row){ var result =$.fn.datagrid.methods, jq, row); jq.each(function(){ var state = $(this).data('datagrid'); if (state.filterSource){; if (state.filterSource.rows !={ state.filterSource.rows.push(row); } } }); return result; }, deleteRow: function(jq, index){ jq.each(function(){ var state = $(this).data('datagrid'); var opts = state.options; if (state.filterSource && opts.idField){ if (state.filterSource.rows =={; } else { for(var i=0; i<state.filterSource.rows.length; i++){ var row = state.filterSource.rows[i]; if (row[opts.idField] ==[index][opts.idField]){ state.filterSource.rows.splice(i,1);; break; } } } } }); return$.fn.datagrid.methods, jq, index); } }); var loadDataMethod2 = $.fn.treegrid.methods.loadData; var appendMethod2 = $.fn.treegrid.methods.append; var insertMethod2 = $.fn.treegrid.methods.insert; var removeMethod2 = $.fn.treegrid.methods.remove; $.extend($.fn.treegrid.methods, { loadData: function(jq, data){ jq.each(function(){ $.data(this, 'treegrid').filterSource = null; }); return$.fn.treegrid.methods, jq, data); }, append: function(jq, param){ return jq.each(function(){ var state = $(this).data('treegrid'); var opts = state.options; if (opts.oldLoadFilter){ var rows = translateTreeData(this,, param.parent); += rows.length; state.filterSource.rows = state.filterSource.rows.concat(rows); $(this).treegrid('loadData', state.filterSource) } else { appendMethod2($(this), param); } }); }, insert: function(jq, param){ return jq.each(function(){ var state = $(this).data('treegrid'); var opts = state.options; if (opts.oldLoadFilter){ var ref = param.before || param.after; var index = getNodeIndex(param.before || param.after); var pid = index>=0 ? state.filterSource.rows[index]._parentId : null; var rows = translateTreeData(this, [], pid); var newRows = state.filterSource.rows.splice(0, index>=0 ? (param.before ? index : index+1) : (state.filterSource.rows.length)); newRows = newRows.concat(rows); newRows = newRows.concat(state.filterSource.rows); += rows.length; state.filterSource.rows = newRows; $(this).treegrid('loadData', state.filterSource); function getNodeIndex(id){ var rows = state.filterSource.rows; for(var i=0; i<rows.length; i++){ if (rows[i][opts.idField] == id){ return i; } } return -1; } } else { insertMethod2($(this), param); } }); }, remove: function(jq, id){ jq.each(function(){ var state = $(this).data('treegrid'); if (state.filterSource){ var opts = state.options; var rows = state.filterSource.rows; for(var i=0; i<rows.length; i++){ if (rows[i][opts.idField] == id){ rows.splice(i, 1);; break; } } } }); return removeMethod2(jq, id); } }); var extendedOptions = { filterMenuIconCls: 'icon-ok', filterBtnIconCls: 'fa fa-filter fa-lg ', filterBtnPosition: 'right', filterPosition: 'bottom', remoteFilter: false, showFilterBar: true, filterDelay: 400, filterRules: [], // specify whether the filtered records need to match ALL or ANY of the applied filters filterMatchingType: 'all', // possible values: 'all','any' // filterCache: {}, filterMatcher: function(data){ var name = getPluginName(this); var dg = $(this); var state = $.data(this, name); var opts = state.options; if (opts.filterRules.length){ var rows = []; if (name == 'treegrid'){ var rr = {}; $.map(data.rows, function(row){ if (isMatch(row, row[opts.idField])){ rr[row[opts.idField]] = row; row = getRow(data.rows, row._parentId); while(row){ rr[row[opts.idField]] = row; row = getRow(data.rows, row._parentId); } } }); for(var id in rr){ rows.push(rr[id]); } } else { for(var i=0; i<data.rows.length; i++){ var row = data.rows[i]; if (isMatch(row, i)){ rows.push(row); } } } data = { total: - (data.rows.length - rows.length), rows: rows }; } return data; function isMatch(row, index){ var rules = opts.filterRules; if (!rules.length){return true;} for(var i=0; i<rules.length; i++){ var rule = rules[i]; var source = row[rule.field]; var col = dg.datagrid('getColumnOption', rule.field); if (col && col.formatter){ source = col.formatter(row[rule.field], row, index); } if (source == undefined){ source = ''; } var op = opts.operators[rule.op]; // if (!op.isMatch(source, rule.value)){return false} var matched = op.isMatch(source, rule.value); if (opts.filterMatchingType == 'any'){ if (matched){return true;} } else { if (!matched){return false;} } } return opts.filterMatchingType == 'all'; } function getRow(rows, id){ for(var i=0; i<rows.length; i++){ var row = rows[i]; if (row[opts.idField] == id){ return row; } } return null; } }, defaultFilterType: 'text', defaultFilterOperator: 'contains', defaultFilterOptions: { onInit: function(target){ var name = getPluginName(target); var opts = $(target)[name]('options'); var field = $(this).attr('name'); var input = $(this); if ('textbox')){ input = input.textbox('textbox'); } input.unbind('.filter').bind('keydown.filter', function (e) { var t = $(this); if (this.timer){ clearTimeout(this.timer); } if (e.keyCode == 13) { _doFilter(); } else { this.timer = setTimeout(function(){ _modifyFilter(); }, opts.filterDelay); } }); function _doFilter() { var rule = $(target)[name]('getFilterRule', field); var value = input.val(); if (value != '') { $(target)[name]('addFilterRule', { field: field, op: opts.defaultFilterOperator, value: value }); } else { if (rule) { $(target)[name]('removeFilterRule', field); } } $(target)[name]('doFilter'); }; function _modifyFilter() { var rule = $(target)[name]('getFilterRule', field); var value = input.val(); if (value != '') { if ((rule && rule.value != value) || !rule) { $(target)[name]('addFilterRule', { field: field, op: opts.defaultFilterOperator, value: value }); } } else { if (rule) { $(target)[name]('removeFilterRule', field); } } }; } }, filterStringify: function(data){ return JSON.stringify(data); }, onClickMenu: function(item,button){} }; $.extend($.fn.datagrid.defaults, extendedOptions); $.extend($.fn.treegrid.defaults, extendedOptions); // filter types $.fn.datagrid.defaults.filters = $.extend({}, $.fn.datagrid.defaults.editors, { label: { init: function(container, options){ return $('<span></span>').appendTo(container); }, getValue: function(target){ return $(target).html(); }, setValue: function(target, value){ $(target).html(value); }, resize: function(target, width){ $(target)._outerWidth(width)._outerHeight(22); } } }); $.fn.treegrid.defaults.filters = $.fn.datagrid.defaults.filters; // filter operators $.fn.datagrid.defaults.operators = { nofilter: { text:Lang.Nofilter //'No Filter' }, contains: { text:Lang.Contains , isMatch: function(source, value){ source = String(source); value = String(value); return source.toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) >= 0; } }, equal: { text:Lang.Equal, isMatch: function(source, value){ return source == value; } }, notequal: { text: Lang.Notequal, isMatch: function(source, value){ return source != value; } }, beginwith: { text: Lang.Beginwith, isMatch: function(source, value){ source = String(source); value = String(value); return source.toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) == 0; } }, endwith: { text:Lang.Endwith, isMatch: function(source, value){ source = String(source); value = String(value); return source.toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase(), source.length - value.length) !== -1; } }, less: { text: Lang.Less, isMatch: function(source, value){ return source < value; } }, lessorequal: { text: Lang.Lessorequal, isMatch: function(source, value){ return source <= value; } }, greater: { text: Lang.Greater, isMatch: function(source, value){ return source > value; } }, greaterorequal: { text: Lang.Greaterorequal, isMatch: function(source, value){ return source >= value; } } }; $.fn.treegrid.defaults.operators = $.fn.datagrid.defaults.operators; function resizeFilter(target, field){ var toFixColumnSize = false; var dg = $(target); var header = dg.datagrid('getPanel').find('div.datagrid-header'); var tr = header.find('.datagrid-header-row:not(.datagrid-filter-row)'); var ff = field ? header.find('.datagrid-filter[name="'+field+'"]') : header.find('.datagrid-filter'); ff.each(function(){ var name = $(this).attr('name'); var col = dg.datagrid('getColumnOption', name); var cc = $(this).closest('div.datagrid-filter-c'); var btn = cc.find('a.datagrid-filter-btn'); var cell = tr.find('td[field="'+name+'"] .datagrid-cell'); var cellWidth = cell._outerWidth(); if (cellWidth != _getContentWidth(cc)){ this.filter.resize(this, cellWidth - btn._outerWidth()); } if (cc.width() > col.boxWidth+col.deltaWidth-1){ col.boxWidth = cc.width() - col.deltaWidth + 1; col.width = col.boxWidth + col.deltaWidth; toFixColumnSize = true; } }); if (toFixColumnSize){ $(target).datagrid('fixColumnSize'); } function _getContentWidth(cc){ var w = 0; $(cc).children(':visible').each(function(){ w += $(this)._outerWidth(); }); return w; } } function getFilterComponent(target, field){ var header = $(target).datagrid('getPanel').find('div.datagrid-header'); return header.find('tr.datagrid-filter-row td[field="'+field+'"] .datagrid-filter'); } /** * get filter rule index, return -1 if not found. */ function getRuleIndex(target, field){ var name = getPluginName(target); var rules = $(target)[name]('options').filterRules; for(var i=0; i<rules.length; i++){ if (rules[i].field == field){ return i; } } return -1; } function getFilterRule(target, field){ var name = getPluginName(target); var rules = $(target)[name]('options').filterRules; var index = getRuleIndex(target, field); if (index >= 0){ return rules[index]; } else { return null; } } function addFilterRule(target, param) { var name = getPluginName(target); var opts = $(target)[name]('options'); var rules = opts.filterRules; if (param.op == 'nofilter'){ removeFilterRule(target, param.field); } else { var index = getRuleIndex(target, param.field); if (index >= 0){ $.extend(rules[index], param); } else { rules.push(param); } } var input = getFilterComponent(target, param.field); if (input.length){ if (param.op != 'nofilter'){ input[0].filter.setValue(input, param.value); } var menu = input[0].menu; if (menu){ menu.find('.'+opts.filterMenuIconCls).removeClass(opts.filterMenuIconCls); var item ='findItem', opts.operators[param.op]['text']);'setIcon', { target:, iconCls: opts.filterMenuIconCls }); } } } function removeFilterRule(target, field){ var name = getPluginName(target); var dg = $(target); var opts = dg[name]('options'); if (field){ var index = getRuleIndex(target, field); if (index >= 0){ opts.filterRules.splice(index, 1); } _clear([field]); } else { opts.filterRules = []; var fields = dg.datagrid('getColumnFields',true).concat(dg.datagrid('getColumnFields')); _clear(fields); } function _clear(fields){ for(var i=0; i<fields.length; i++){ var input = getFilterComponent(target, fields[i]); if (input.length){ input[0].filter.setValue(input, ''); var menu = input[0].menu; if (menu){ menu.find('.'+opts.filterMenuIconCls).removeClass(opts.filterMenuIconCls); } } } } } function doFilter(target){ var name = getPluginName(target); var state = $.data(target, name); var opts = state.options; if (opts.remoteFilter){ $(target)[name]('load'); } else { if (opts.view.type == 'scrollview' && &&{ =; } $(target)[name]('getPager').pagination('refresh', {pageNumber:1}); $(target)[name]('options').pageNumber = 1; $(target)[name]('loadData', state.filterSource ||; } } function translateTreeData(target, children, pid){ var opts = $(target).treegrid('options'); if (!children || !children.length){return []} var rows = []; $.map(children, function(item){ item._parentId = pid; rows.push(item); rows = rows.concat(translateTreeData(target, item.children, item[opts.idField])); }); $.map(rows, function(row){ row.children = undefined; }); return rows; } function myLoadFilter(data, parentId){ var target = this; var name = getPluginName(target); var state = $.data(target, name); var opts = state.options; if (name == 'datagrid' && $.isArray(data)){ data = { total: data.length, rows: data }; } else if (name == 'treegrid' && $.isArray(data)){ var rows = translateTreeData(target, data, parentId); data = { total: rows.length, rows: rows } } if (!opts.remoteFilter){ if (!state.filterSource){ state.filterSource = data; } else { if (!opts.isSorting) { if (name == 'datagrid'){ state.filterSource = data; } else { += data.length; state.filterSource.rows = state.filterSource.rows.concat(data.rows); if (parentId){ return, data); } } } else { opts.isSorting = undefined; } } if (!opts.remoteSort && opts.sortName){ var names = opts.sortName.split(','); var orders = opts.sortOrder.split(','); var dg = $(target); state.filterSource.rows.sort(function(r1,r2){ var r = 0; for(var i=0; i<names.length; i++){ var sn = names[i]; var so = orders[i]; var col = dg.datagrid('getColumnOption', sn); var sortFunc = col.sorter || function(a,b){ return a==b ? 0 : (a>b?1:-1); }; r = sortFunc(r1[sn], r2[sn]) * (so=='asc'?1:-1); if (r != 0){ return r; } } return r; }); } data =, { total:, rows: state.filterSource.rows }); if (opts.pagination){ var dg = $(target); var pager = dg[name]('getPager'); pager.pagination({ onSelectPage:function(pageNum, pageSize){ opts.pageNumber = pageNum; opts.pageSize = pageSize; pager.pagination('refresh',{ pageNumber:pageNum, pageSize:pageSize }); //dg.datagrid('loadData', state.filterSource); dg[name]('loadData', state.filterSource); }, onBeforeRefresh:function(){ dg[name]('reload'); return false; } }); if (name == 'datagrid'){ var start = (opts.pageNumber-1)*parseInt(opts.pageSize); var end = start + parseInt(opts.pageSize); data.rows = data.rows.slice(start, end); } else { var topRows = []; var childRows = []; $.map(data.rows, function(row){ row._parentId ? childRows.push(row) : topRows.push(row); }); = topRows.length; var start = (opts.pageNumber-1)*parseInt(opts.pageSize); var end = start + parseInt(opts.pageSize); data.rows = topRows.slice(start, end).concat(childRows); } } $.map(data.rows, function(row){ row.children = undefined; }); } return data; } function init(target, filters){ filters = filters || []; var name = getPluginName(target); var state = $.data(target, name); var opts = state.options; if (!opts.filterRules.length){ opts.filterRules = []; } opts.filterCache = opts.filterCache || {}; var dgOpts = $.data(target, 'datagrid').options; var onResize = dgOpts.onResize; dgOpts.onResize = function(width,height){ resizeFilter(target);, width, height); } var onBeforeSortColumn = dgOpts.onBeforeSortColumn; dgOpts.onBeforeSortColumn = function(sort, order){ var result =, sort, order); if (result != false){ opts.isSorting = true; } return result; }; var onResizeColumn = opts.onResizeColumn; opts.onResizeColumn = function(field,width){ var fc = $(this).datagrid('getPanel').find('.datagrid-header .datagrid-filter-c'); fc.hide(); $(target).datagrid('fitColumns'); if (opts.fitColumns){ resizeFilter(target); } else { resizeFilter(target, field); };, field, width); }; var onBeforeLoad = opts.onBeforeLoad; opts.onBeforeLoad = function(param1, param2){ if (param1){ param1.filterRules = opts.filterStringify(opts.filterRules); } if (param2){ param2.filterRules = opts.filterStringify(opts.filterRules); } var result =, param1, param2); if (result != false && opts.url) { if (name == 'datagrid'){ state.filterSource = null; } else if (name == 'treegrid' && state.filterSource){ if (param1){ var id = param1[opts.idField]; // the id of the expanding row var rows = state.filterSource.rows || []; for(var i=0; i<rows.length; i++){ if (id == rows[i]._parentId){ // the expanding row has children return false; } } } else { state.filterSource = null; } } } return result; }; // opts.loadFilter = myLoadFilter; opts.loadFilter = function(data, parentId){ var d =, data, parentId); return, d, parentId); }; initCss(); createFilter(true); createFilter(); if (opts.fitColumns){ setTimeout(function(){ resizeFilter(target); }, 0); } $.map(opts.filterRules, function(rule){ addFilterRule(target, rule); }); function initCss(){ if (!$('#datagrid-filter-style').length){ $('head').append( '<style>' + 'a.datagrid-filter-btn{display:inline-block;width:16px;height:16px;vertical-align:top;cursor:pointer;opacity:0.6;filter:alpha(opacity=60);}' + 'a:hover.datagrid-filter-btn{opacity:1;filter:alpha(opacity=100);}' + '.datagrid-filter-row .textbox,.datagrid-filter-row .textbox .textbox-text{-moz-border-radius:0;-webkit-border-radius:0;border-radius:0;height:22px;line-height:22px;padding:0px;padding-left:3px;}' + '.datagrid-filter-row input{margin:0;-moz-border-radius:0;-webkit-border-radius:0;border-radius:0;}' + '.datagrid-filter-cache{position:absolute;width:10px;height:10px;left:-99999px;}' + '</style>' ); } } /** * create filter component */ function createFilter(frozen){ var dc = state.dc; var fields = $(target).datagrid('getColumnFields', frozen); if (frozen && opts.rownumbers){ fields.unshift('_'); } var table = (frozen?dc.header1:dc.header2).find('table.datagrid-htable'); // clear the old filter component table.find('.datagrid-filter').each(function(){ if (this.filter.destroy){ this.filter.destroy(this); } if ({ $('destroy'); } }); table.find('tr.datagrid-filter-row').remove(); var tr = $('<tr></tr>'); if (opts.filterPosition == 'bottom'){ tr.appendTo(table.find('tbody')); } else { tr.prependTo(table.find('tbody')); } if (!opts.showFilterBar){ tr.hide(); } for(var i=0; i<fields.length; i++){ var field = fields[i]; var col = $(target).datagrid('getColumnOption', field); var td = $('<td></td>').attr('field', field).appendTo(tr); if (col && col.hidden){ td.hide(); } if (field == '_'){ continue; } if (col && (col.checkbox || col.expander)){ continue; } var fopts = getFilter(field); if (fopts){ $(target)[name]('destroyFilter', field); // destroy the old filter component } else { fopts = $.extend({}, { field: field, type: opts.defaultFilterType, options: opts.defaultFilterOptions }); } var div = opts.filterCache[field]; if (!div){ div = $('<div></div>').appendTo(td); var filter = opts.filters[fopts.type]; var input = filter.init(div, fopts.options||{}); input.addClass('datagrid-filter').attr('name', field); input[0].filter = filter; input[0].menu = createFilterButton(div, fopts.op); if (fopts.options){ if (fopts.options.onInit){[0], target); } } else {[0], target); } opts.filterCache[field] = div; resizeFilter(target, field); } else { div.appendTo(td); } } } function createFilterButton(container, operators){ if (!operators){return null;} var btn = $('<a>&nbsp;</a>').addClass(opts.filterBtnIconCls); if (opts.filterBtnPosition == 'right'){ btn.appendTo(container); } else { btn.prependTo(container); } var menu = $('<div></div>').appendTo('body'); $.map(['nofilter'].concat(operators), function(item){ var op = opts.operators[item]; if (op){ $('<div></div>').attr('name', item).html(op.text).appendTo(menu); } });{ alignTo:btn, onClick:function(item){ var btn = $(this).menu('options').alignTo; var td = btn.closest('td[field]'); var field = td.attr('field'); var input = td.find('.datagrid-filter'); var value = input[0].filter.getValue(input); if (, item, btn, field) == false){ return; } addFilterRule(target, { field: field, op:, value: value }); doFilter(target); } }); btn[0].menu = menu; btn.bind('click', {menu:menu}, function(e){ $('show'); return false; }); return menu; } function getFilter(field){ for(var i=0; i<filters.length; i++){ var filter = filters[i]; if (filter.field == field){ return filter; } } return null; } } $.extend($.fn.datagrid.methods, { enableFilter: function(jq, filters){ return jq.each(function(){ var name = getPluginName(this); var opts = $.data(this, name).options; if (opts.oldLoadFilter){ if (filters){ $(this)[name]('disableFilter'); } else { return; } } opts.oldLoadFilter = opts.loadFilter; init(this, filters); $(this)[name]('resize'); if (opts.filterRules.length){ if (opts.remoteFilter){ doFilter(this); } else if ({ doFilter(this); } } }); }, disableFilter: function(jq){ return jq.each(function(){ var name = getPluginName(this); var state = $.data(this, name); var opts = state.options; var dc = $(this).data('datagrid').dc; var div = dc.view.children('.datagrid-filter-cache'); if (!div.length){ div = $('<div></div>').appendTo(dc.view); } for(var field in opts.filterCache){ $(opts.filterCache[field]).appendTo(div); } var data =; if (state.filterSource){ data = state.filterSource; $.map(data.rows, function(row){ row.children = undefined; }); } $(this)[name]({ data: data, loadFilter: (opts.oldLoadFilter||undefined), oldLoadFilter: null }); }); }, destroyFilter: function(jq, field){ return jq.each(function(){ var name = getPluginName(this); var state = $.data(this, name); var opts = state.options; if (field){ _destroy(field); } else { for(var f in opts.filterCache){ _destroy(f); } $(this).datagrid('getPanel').find('.datagrid-header .datagrid-filter-row').remove(); $(this).data('datagrid').dc.view.children('.datagrid-filter-cache').remove(); opts.filterCache = {}; $(this)[name]('resize'); $(this)[name]('disableFilter'); } function _destroy(field){ var c = $(opts.filterCache[field]); var input = c.find('.datagrid-filter'); if (input.length){ var filter = input[0].filter; if (filter.destroy){ filter.destroy(input[0]); } } c.find('.datagrid-filter-btn').each(function(){ $('destroy'); }); c.remove(); opts.filterCache[field] = undefined; } }); }, getFilterRule: function(jq, field){ return getFilterRule(jq[0], field); }, addFilterRule: function(jq, param){ return jq.each(function(){ addFilterRule(this, param); }); }, removeFilterRule: function(jq, field){ return jq.each(function(){ removeFilterRule(this, field); }); }, doFilter: function(jq){ return jq.each(function(){ doFilter(this); }); }, getFilterComponent: function(jq, field){ return getFilterComponent(jq[0], field); }, resizeFilter: function(jq, field){ return jq.each(function(){ resizeFilter(this, field); }); } }); })(jQuery); InitDateFilter = function (dg, field, op) { var filter = { field: field, type: 'datebox', options: { editable: false, onChange: function (newValue, oldValue) { var curRule = dg.datagrid("getFilterRule", field); if (curRule != null) { curRule.value = newValue; dg.datagrid('addFilterRule', curRule); } } }, op: op }; return filter; }; //Combox类型过滤 InitComboFilter = function (dg, field, data, url, valueField, textField, checkFiled, method) { var comboOption; if (url != null) { comboOption = { panelHeight: 'auto', url: url, method: method, valueField: valueField, textField: textField, panelMaxHeight: 200, onLoadSuccess: function (result) { data = result; }, onChange: function (value) { DoComboFilter(dg, data, field, value, checkFiled); } }; } else { comboOption = { panelHeight: 'auto', data: data, valueField: valueField, textField: textField, panelMaxHeight: 200, onChange: function (value) { DoComboFilter(dg, data, field, value, checkFiled); } }; } var filter = { field: field, type: 'combobox', options: comboOption, } //$(".datagrid-filter-row td[field='" + field + "']").find("input").height(22); //console.log($(".datagrid-filter-row").html()); return filter; }; InitNumberFilter = function (dg, field, op) { var filter = { field: field, type: 'numberbox', options: { precision: 1 }, op: op }; return filter; }; //启动combo过滤器 function DoComboFilter(dg, data, field, value, checkFiled) { if (value == "") { dg.datagrid('removeFilterRule', field); dg.datagrid('doFilter'); return; } // if (Common.CommonHelper.lslnArray(data, value, checkFiled)) { dg.datagrid('addFilterRule', { field: field, op: 'equal', value: value }); dg.datagrid('doFilter'); // } }



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