Scenario: End to end Registration implemented using controllers Given the Registrant proceeds to make the Reservation And these Order Items should be reserved | seat type | quantity | | General admission | 1 | | Additional cocktail party | 1 | And these Order Items should not be reserved | seat type | | CQRS Workshop | And the Registrant enters these details | first name | last name | email address | | William | Flash | william@fabrikam.com | And the Registrant proceeds to Checkout:Payment When the Registrant proceeds to confirm the payment Then the Order should be created with the following Order Items | seat type | quantity | | General admission | 1 | | Additional cocktail party | 1 | And the Registrant assigns these seats | seat type | first name | last name | email address | | General admission | William | Flash | William@fabrikam.com | | Additional cocktail party | Jim | Corbin | Jim@litwareinc.com | And these seats are assigned | seat type | quantity | | General admission | 1 | | Additional cocktail party | 1 |然后,展示了SelfRegistrationEndToEndWithControllersSteps类里的一些测试步骤:
[Given(@"the Registrant proceeds to make the Reservation")] public void GivenTheRegistrantProceedToMakeTheReservation() { var redirect = registrationController.StartRegistration( registration, registrationController.ViewBag.OrderVersion) as RedirectToRouteResult; Assert.NotNull(redirect); // Perform external redirection var timeout = DateTime.Now.Add(Constants.UI.WaitTimeout); while (DateTime.Now < timeout && registrationViewModel == null) { //ReservationUnknown var result = registrationController.SpecifyRegistrantAndPaymentDetails( (Guid)redirect.RouteValues["orderId"], registrationController.ViewBag.OrderVersion); Assert.IsNotType<RedirectToRouteResult>(result); registrationViewModel = RegistrationHelper.GetModel<RegistrationViewModel>(result); } Assert.False(registrationViewModel == null, "Could not make the reservation and get the RegistrationViewModel"); } ... [When(@"the Registrant proceeds to confirm the payment")] public void WhenTheRegistrantProceedToConfirmThePayment() { using (var paymentController = RegistrationHelper.GetPaymentController()) { paymentController.ThirdPartyProcessorPaymentAccepted( conferenceInfo.Slug, (Guid) routeValues["paymentId"], " "); } } ... [Then(@"the Order should be created with the following Order Items")] public void ThenTheOrderShouldBeCreatedWithTheFollowingOrderItems(Table table) { draftOrder = RegistrationHelper.GetModel<DraftOrder>(registrationController.ThankYou(registrationViewModel.Order.OrderId)); Assert.NotNull(draftOrder); foreach (var row in table.Rows) { var orderItem = draftOrder.Lines.FirstOrDefault( l => l.SeatType == conferenceInfo.Seats.First(s => s.Description == row["seat type"]).Id); Assert.NotNull(orderItem); Assert.Equal(Int32.Parse(row["quantity"]), orderItem.ReservedSeats); } }您可以看到这种方法是如何直接使用RegistrationController类的。
在这些代码示例中,您可以看到是怎样通过标记把SpecFlow feature文件和测试步骤代码链接起来并传递参数的。团队选择使用xUnit.net来实现测试步骤,要在Visual Studio里运行这些测试,您可以使用任何支持xUnit的第三方工具例如:ReSharper, CodeRush, TestDriven.NET等。
public class given_placed_order { ... private Order sut; public given_placed_order() { this.sut = new Order( OrderId, new[] { new OrderPlaced { ConferenceId = ConferenceId, Seats = new[] { new SeatQuantity(SeatTypeId, 5) }, ReservationAutoExpiration = DateTime.UtcNow } }); } [Fact] public void when_updating_seats_then_updates_order_with_new_seats() { this.sut.UpdateSeats(new[] { new OrderItem(SeatTypeId, 20) }); var @event = (OrderUpdated)sut.Events.Single(); Assert.Equal(OrderId, @event.SourceId); Assert.Equal(1, @event.Seats.Count()); Assert.Equal(20, @event.Seats.ElementAt(0).Quantity); } ... }这个单元测试只是创建一个Order实例,并直接调用UpdateSeats方法。它不向阅读测试代码的人提供有关调用此方法中命令或事件的任何信息。