浏览器定时计数器并不是由 JavaScript 引擎计数的, 因为 JavaScript 引擎是单线程的, 如果处于阻塞线程状态就会影响记计时的准确, 因此通过单独线程来计时并触发定时是更为合理的方案
3.4 浏览器事件触发线程当一个事件被触发时该线程会把事件添加到待处理队列的队尾,等待 JavaScript 引擎的处理。这些事件可以是当前执行的代码块如定时任务、也可来自浏览器内核的其他线程如鼠标点击、AJAX 异步请求等,但由于 JavaScript 的单线程关系所有这些事件都得排队等待 JavaScript 引擎处理。
3.5 浏览器 http 异步请求线程在 XMLHttpRequest 在连接后是通过浏览器新开一个线程请求, 将检测到状态变更时,如果设置有回调函数,异步线程就产生状态变更事件放到 JavaScript 引擎的处理队列中等待处理。
4 以Chrome浏览器为例,演示浏览器内部如何工作上面铺垫了这么多理论,下面结合Chrome讲解当用户在地址栏上输入URL后,浏览器内部都做了写什么
4.1 Chrome浏览器中的多进程打开Chrome 任务管理器,可以看到
• Browser进程
功能:Controls "chrome" part of the application including address bar, bookmarks, back and forward buttons. Also handles the invisible, privileged parts of a web browser such as network requests and file access.
• GPU进程
功能:Handles GPU tasks in isolation from other processes. It is separated into different process because GPUs handles requests from multiple apps and draw them in the same surface.
• 第三方插件进程
功能:Controls any plugins used by the website, for example, flash. 每个插件对应一个进程,当插件运行时创建
• 浏览器渲染进程
功能:Controls anything inside of the tab where a website is displayed. 默认每个标签页创建一个渲染引擎实例。
• V8 Proxy resolver
关于V8 Proxy resolver可查看
group.google.com !topic/net-dev/73f9B5vFphI
Chrome支持使用代理脚本为给定的网址选择代理服务器,包含使用操作系统提供的代理解析程序的多个平台的回退实现。但默认情况下(iOS除外),它使用内置的解析V8执行代理脚本(V8 pac)。今天(截至2015年1月),V8 pac在浏览器进程中运行。这意味着浏览器进程包含一个V8实例,这是一个潜在的安全漏洞。在浏览器进程中允许V8还需要浏览器进程允许写入 - 执行页面。
我们关于将V8 pac迁移到单独进程的建议包括为解析器创建Mojo服务,从实用程序进程导出该服务,以及从浏览器进程创建/连接到该进程。
浏览器进程之间主要通过IPC (Inter Process Communication)通信
4.2 Per-frame renderer processes - Site IsolationSite Isolation is a recently introduced feature in Chrome that runs a separate renderer process for each cross-site iframe. We’ve been talking about one renderer process per tab model which allowed cross-site iframes to run in a single renderer process with sharing memory space between different sites. Running a.com and b.com in the same renderer process might seem okay. The Same Origin Policy is the core security model of the web; it makes sure one site cannot access data from other sites without consent. Bypassing this policy is a primary goal of security attacks. Process isolation is the most effective way to separate sites. With Meltdown and Spectre, it became even more apparent that we need to separate sites using processes. With Site Isolation enabled on desktop by default since Chrome 67, each cross-site iframe in a tab gets a separate renderer process.