Gary(CQRS专家)发言:通常,如果您的领域模型只使用聚合,您会期望When子句发送命令,Then子句查看事件或异常。然而,在本例中,领域模型包含一个通过发送命令来响应事件的流程管理器。测试将检查是否发送了所有预期的命令,并引发了所有预期的事件。 Feature: Self Registrant end to end scenario for making a Registration for a Conference site with Domain Commands and Events In order to register for a conference As an Attendee I want to be able to register for the conference, pay for the Registration Order and associate myself with the paid Order automatically Scenario: Make a reservation with the selected Order Items Given the list of the available Order Items for the CQRS summit 2012 conference | seat type | rate | quota | | General admission | $199 | 100 | | CQRS Workshop | $500 | 100 | | Additional cocktail party | $50 | 100 | And the selected Order Items | seat type | quantity | | General admission | 1 | | Additional cocktail party | 1 | When the Registrant proceeds to make the Reservation # command:RegisterToConference Then the command to register the selected Order Items is received # event: OrderPlaced And the event for Order placed is emitted # command: MakeSeatReservation And the command for reserving the selected Seats is received # event: SeatsReserved And the event for reserving the selected Seats is emitted # command: MarkSeatsAsReserved And the command for marking the selected Seats as reserved is received # event: OrderReservationCompleted And the event for completing the Order reservation is emitted # event: OrderTotalsCalculated And the event for calculating the total of $249 is emitted
[When(@"the Registrant proceed to make the Reservation")] public void WhenTheRegistrantProceedToMakeTheReservation() { registerToConference = ScenarioContext.Current.Get<RegisterToConference>(); var conferenceAlias = ScenarioContext.Current.Get<ConferenceAlias>(); registerToConference.ConferenceId = conferenceAlias.Id; orderId = registerToConference.OrderId; this.commandBus.Send(registerToConference); // Wait for event processing Thread.Sleep(Constants.WaitTimeout); } [Then(@"the command to register the selected Order Items is received")] public void ThenTheCommandToRegisterTheSelectedOrderItemsIsReceived() { var orderRepo = EventSourceHelper.GetRepository<Registration.Order>(); Registration.Order order = orderRepo.Find(orderId); Assert.NotNull(order); Assert.Equal(orderId, order.Id); } [Then(@"the event for Order placed is emitted")] public void ThenTheEventForOrderPlacedIsEmitted() { var orderPlaced = MessageLogHelper.GetEvents<OrderPlaced>(orderId).SingleOrDefault(); Assert.NotNull(orderPlaced); Assert.True(orderPlaced.Seats.All( os => registerToConference.Seats.Count(cs => cs.SeatType == os.SeatType && cs.Quantity == os.Quantity) == 1)); } 在迁移过程中发现的bug当测试团队在迁移之后在系统上运行测试时,我们发现订单和注册限界上下文中座位类型的数量与迁移之前的数量不同。调查揭示了以下原因。