
其实也很简朴,我们在子弹工具顶用targetIndex来记录该子弹所进攻的方针索引,然后就是一个y = kx+b的解方程获得飞机头部(子弹出发点)和靶子的轨道函数,计较出每一帧下每个子弹的移动坐标,就可以画出子弹了;







drawGameOver() { let _this = this; //生存上下文工具的状态 _this.ctx.save(); _this.ctx.font = "34px Arial"; _this.ctx.strokeStyle = _this.colors[0]; _this.ctx.lineWidth = 2; //光晕 _this.ctx.shadowColor = "#FFFFE0"; let txt = "游戏竣事,得分:" + _this.score; let width = _this.ctx.measureText(txt).width; for (let i = 60; i > 3; i -= 2) { _this.ctx.shadowBlur = i; _this.ctx.strokeText(txt, _this.clientWidth / 2 - width / 2, 300); } _this.ctx.restore(); _this.colors.reverse(); }




<template> <div> <canvas></canvas> </div> </template> <script> const _MAX_TARGET = 3; // 画面中一次最多呈现的方针 const _TARGET_CONFIG = { // 靶子的牢靠参数 speed: 1.3, radius: 10 }; const _DICTIONARY = ["apple", "orange", "blue", "green", "red", "current"]; export default { name: "TypeGame", data() { return { ctx: null, clientWidth: 0, clientHeight: 0, bulletArr: [], // 屏幕中的子弹 targetArr: [], // 存放当前方针 targetImg: null, planeImg: null, currentIndex: -1, wordsPool: [], score: 0, gameOver: false, colors: ["#FFFF00", "#FF6666"] }; }, mounted() { let _this = this; _this.wordsPool = _DICTIONARY.concat([]); let container = document.getElementById("type"); _this.clientWidth = container.width; _this.clientHeight = container.height; _this.ctx = container.getContext("2d"); _this.targetImg = new Image(); _this.targetImg.src = require("@/assets/img/target.png"); _this.planeImg = new Image(); _this.planeImg.src = require("@/assets/img/plane.png"); document.onkeydown = function(e) { let key = window.event.keyCode; if (key >= 65 && key <= 90) { _this.handleKeyPress(String.fromCharCode(key).toLowerCase()); } }; _this.targetImg.onload = function() { _this.generateTarget(); (function animloop() { if (!_this.gameOver) { _this.drawAll(); } else { _this.drawGameOver(); } window.requestAnimationFrame(animloop); })(); }; }, methods: { drawGameOver() { let _this = this; //生存上下文工具的状态 _this.ctx.save(); _this.ctx.font = "34px Arial"; _this.ctx.strokeStyle = _this.colors[0]; _this.ctx.lineWidth = 2; //光晕 _this.ctx.shadowColor = "#FFFFE0"; let txt = "游戏竣事,得分:" + _this.score; let width = _this.ctx.measureText(txt).width; for (let i = 60; i > 3; i -= 2) { _this.ctx.shadowBlur = i; _this.ctx.strokeText(txt, _this.clientWidth / 2 - width / 2, 300); } _this.ctx.restore(); _this.colors.reverse(); }, drawAll() { let _this = this; _this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, _this.clientWidth, _this.clientHeight); _this.drawPlane(0); _this.drawBullet(); _this.drawTarget(); _this.drawScore(); }, drawPlane() { let _this = this; _this.ctx.save(); _this.ctx.drawImage( _this.planeImg, _this.clientWidth / 2 - 20, _this.clientHeight - 20 - 40, 40, 40 ); _this.ctx.restore(); }, generateWord(number) { // 从池子里随机挑选一个词,不与已显示的词反复 let arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < number; i++) { let random = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.wordsPool.length); arr.push(this.wordsPool[random]); this.wordsPool.splice(random, 1); } return arr; }, generateTarget() { // 随机生成方针 let _this = this; let length = _this.targetArr.length; if (length < _MAX_TARGET) { let txtArr = _this.generateWord(_MAX_TARGET - length); for (let i = 0; i < _MAX_TARGET - length; i++) { _this.targetArr.push({ x: _this.getRandomInt( _TARGET_CONFIG.radius, _this.clientWidth - _TARGET_CONFIG.radius ), y: _TARGET_CONFIG.radius * 2, txt: txtArr[i], typeIndex: -1, hitIndex: -1, dx: (_TARGET_CONFIG.speed * Math.random().toFixed(1)) / 2, dy: _TARGET_CONFIG.speed * Math.random().toFixed(1), rotate: 0 }); } } }, getRandomInt(n, m) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (m - n + 1)) + n; }, drawText(txt, x, y, color) { let _this = this; _this.ctx.fillStyle = color; _this.ctx.fillText(txt, x, y); }, drawScore() { // 分数 this.drawText("分数:" + this.score, 10, this.clientHeight - 10, "#fff"); }, drawTarget() { // 逐帧画方针 let _this = this; _this.targetArr.forEach((item, index) => { _this.ctx.save(); _this.ctx.translate(item.x, item.y); //配置旋转的中心点 _this.ctx.beginPath(); _this.ctx.font = "14px Arial"; if ( index === _this.currentIndex || item.typeIndex === item.txt.length - 1 ) { _this.drawText( item.txt.substring(0, item.typeIndex + 1), -item.txt.length * 3, _TARGET_CONFIG.radius * 2, "gray" ); let width = _this.ctx.measureText( item.txt.substring(0, item.typeIndex + 1) ).width; // 获取已敲击文字宽度 _this.drawText( item.txt.substring(item.typeIndex + 1, item.txt.length), -item.txt.length * 3 + width, _TARGET_CONFIG.radius * 2, "red" ); } else { _this.drawText( item.txt, -item.txt.length * 3, _TARGET_CONFIG.radius * 2, "yellow" ); } _this.ctx.closePath(); _this.ctx.rotate((item.rotate * Math.PI) / 180); _this.ctx.drawImage( _this.targetImg, -1 * _TARGET_CONFIG.radius, -1 * _TARGET_CONFIG.radius, _TARGET_CONFIG.radius * 2, _TARGET_CONFIG.radius * 2 ); _this.ctx.restore(); item.y += item.dy; item.x += item.dx; if (item.x < 0 || item.x > _this.clientWidth) { item.dx *= -1; } if (item.y > _this.clientHeight - _TARGET_CONFIG.radius * 2) { // 遇到底部了 _this.gameOver = true; } // 旋转 item.rotate++; }); }, handleKeyPress(key) { // 键盘按下,判定当前方针 let _this = this; if (_this.currentIndex === -1) { // 当前没有在射击的方针 let index = _this.targetArr.findIndex(item => { return item.txt.indexOf(key) === 0; }); if (index !== -1) { _this.currentIndex = index; _this.targetArr[index].typeIndex = 0; _this.createBullet(index); } } else { // 已有方针正在被射击 if ( key === _this.targetArr[_this.currentIndex].txt.split("")[ _this.targetArr[_this.currentIndex].typeIndex + 1 ] ) { // 获取到方针工具 _this.targetArr[_this.currentIndex].typeIndex++; _this.createBullet(_this.currentIndex); if ( _this.targetArr[_this.currentIndex].typeIndex === _this.targetArr[_this.currentIndex].txt.length - 1 ) { // 这个方针已经别射击完毕 _this.currentIndex = -1; } } } }, // 发射一个子弹 createBullet(index) { let _this = this; this.bulletArr.push({ dx: 1, dy: 4, x: _this.clientWidth / 2, y: _this.clientHeight - 60, targetIndex: index }); }, firedTarget(item) { // 判定是否击中方针 let _this = this; if ( item.x > _this.targetArr[item.targetIndex].x - _TARGET_CONFIG.radius && item.x < _this.targetArr[item.targetIndex].x + _TARGET_CONFIG.radius && item.y > _this.targetArr[item.targetIndex].y - _TARGET_CONFIG.radius && item.y < _this.targetArr[item.targetIndex].y + _TARGET_CONFIG.radius ) { // 子弹击中了方针 let arrIndex = item.targetIndex; _this.targetArr[arrIndex].hitIndex++; if ( _this.targetArr[arrIndex].txt.length - 1 === _this.targetArr[arrIndex].hitIndex ) { // 所有子弹全部击中了方针 let word = _this.targetArr[arrIndex].txt; _this.targetArr[arrIndex] = { // 生成新的方针 x: _this.getRandomInt( _TARGET_CONFIG.radius, _this.clientWidth - _TARGET_CONFIG.radius ), y: _TARGET_CONFIG.radius * 2, txt: _this.generateWord(1)[0], typeIndex: -1, hitIndex: -1, dx: (_TARGET_CONFIG.speed * Math.random().toFixed(1)) / 2, dy: _TARGET_CONFIG.speed * Math.random().toFixed(1), rotate: 0 }; _this.wordsPool.push(word); // 被击中的方针词重回池子里 _this.score++; } return false; } else { return true; } }, drawBullet() { // 逐帧画子弹 let _this = this; // 判定子弹是否已经击中方针 if (_this.bulletArr.length === 0) { return; } _this.bulletArr = _this.bulletArr.filter(_this.firedTarget); _this.bulletArr.forEach(item => { let targetX = _this.targetArr[item.targetIndex].x; let targetY = _this.targetArr[item.targetIndex].y; let k = (_this.clientHeight - 60 - targetY) / (_this.clientWidth / 2 - targetX); // 飞机头和方针的斜率 let b = targetY - k * targetX; // 常量b item.y = item.y - 4; // y轴偏移一个单元 item.x = (item.y - b) / k; for (let i = 0; i < 15; i++) { // 画出拖尾结果 _this.ctx.beginPath(); _this.ctx.arc( (item.y + i * 1.8 - b) / k, item.y + i * 1.8, 4 - 0.2 * i, 0, 2 * Math.PI ); _this.ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(193,255,255,${1 - 0.08 * i})`; _this.ctx.fill(); _this.ctx.closePath(); } }); } } }; </script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> <style scoped lang="scss"> .type-game { #type { background: #2a4546; } } </style>



