XV6学习(12)Lab lock: Parallelism/locking (2)


#define NBUCKET 13 #define NBUF (NBUCKET * 3) struct { struct spinlock lock; struct buf buf[NBUF]; } bcache; struct bucket { struct spinlock lock; struct buf head; }hashtable[NBUCKET]; int hash(uint dev, uint blockno) { return blockno % NBUCKET; }


void binit(void) { struct buf *b; initlock(&bcache.lock, "bcache"); for(b = bcache.buf; b < bcache.buf+NBUF; b++){ initsleeplock(&b->lock, "buffer"); } b = bcache.buf; for (int i = 0; i < NBUCKET; i++) { initlock(&hashtable[i].lock, "bcache_bucket"); for (int j = 0; j < NBUF / NBUCKET; j++) { b->blockno = i; // hash(b) should equal to i b->next = hashtable[i].head.next; hashtable[i].head.next = b; b++; } } }




static struct buf* bget(uint dev, uint blockno) { // printf("dev: %d blockno: %d Status: ", dev, blockno); struct buf *b; int idx = hash(dev, blockno); struct bucket* bucket = hashtable + idx; acquire(&bucket->lock); // Is the block already cached? for(b = bucket->head.next; b != 0; b = b->next){ if(b->dev == dev && b->blockno == blockno){ b->refcnt++; release(&bucket->lock); acquiresleep(&b->lock); // printf("Cached %p\n", b); return b; } } // Not cached. // First try to find in current bucket. int min_time = 0x8fffffff; struct buf* replace_buf = 0; for(b = bucket->head.next; b != 0; b = b->next){ if(b->refcnt == 0 && b->timestamp < min_time) { replace_buf = b; min_time = b->timestamp; } } if(replace_buf) { // printf("Local %d %p\n", idx, replace_buf); goto find; } // Try to find in other bucket. acquire(&bcache.lock); refind: for(b = bcache.buf; b < bcache.buf + NBUF; b++) { if(b->refcnt == 0 && b->timestamp < min_time) { replace_buf = b; min_time = b->timestamp; } } if (replace_buf) { // remove from old bucket int ridx = hash(replace_buf->dev, replace_buf->blockno); acquire(&hashtable[ridx].lock); if(replace_buf->refcnt != 0) // be used in another bucket's local find between finded and acquire { release(&hashtable[ridx].lock); goto refind; } struct buf *pre = &hashtable[ridx].head; struct buf *p = hashtable[ridx].head.next; while (p != replace_buf) { pre = pre->next; p = p->next; } pre->next = p->next; release(&hashtable[ridx].lock); // add to current bucket replace_buf->next = hashtable[idx].head.next; hashtable[idx].head.next = replace_buf; release(&bcache.lock); // printf("Global %d -> %d %p\n", ridx, idx, replace_buf); goto find; } else { panic("bget: no buffers"); } find: replace_buf->dev = dev; replace_buf->blockno = blockno; replace_buf->valid = 0; replace_buf->refcnt = 1; release(&bucket->lock); acquiresleep(&replace_buf->lock); return replace_buf; }


void bpin(struct buf *b) { int idx = hash(b->dev, b->blockno); acquire(&hashtable[idx].lock); b->refcnt++; release(&hashtable[idx].lock); } void bunpin(struct buf *b) { int idx = hash(b->dev, b->blockno); acquire(&hashtable[idx].lock); b->refcnt--; release(&hashtable[idx].lock); }


start test0 test0 results: --- lock kmem/bcache stats ... lock: bcache_bucket: #fetch-and-add 0 #acquire() 4244 lock: bcache_bucket: #fetch-and-add 0 #acquire() 2246 lock: bcache_bucket: #fetch-and-add 0 #acquire() 4402 lock: bcache_bucket: #fetch-and-add 0 #acquire() 4458 lock: bcache_bucket: #fetch-and-add 0 #acquire() 6450 lock: bcache_bucket: #fetch-and-add 0 #acquire() 6312 lock: bcache_bucket: #fetch-and-add 0 #acquire() 6624 lock: bcache_bucket: #fetch-and-add 0 #acquire() 6634 lock: bcache_bucket: #fetch-and-add 0 #acquire() 12706 lock: bcache_bucket: #fetch-and-add 0 #acquire() 6208 lock: bcache_bucket: #fetch-and-add 0 #acquire() 4360 lock: bcache_bucket: #fetch-and-add 0 #acquire() 4246 lock: bcache_bucket: #fetch-and-add 0 #acquire() 2236 --- top 5 contended locks: lock: proc: #fetch-and-add 269741 #acquire() 4551132 lock: proc: #fetch-and-add 236112 #acquire() 4551131 lock: proc: #fetch-and-add 186278 #acquire() 4551151 lock: proc: #fetch-and-add 167286 #acquire() 4551164 lock: proc: #fetch-and-add 151922 #acquire() 4551132 tot= 0 test0: OK start test1 test1 OK

