正则表达式匹配可以更快更简单 (but is slow in Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, ...) (7)

While writing the text editor sam [6] in the early 1980s, Rob Pike wrote a new regular expression implementation, which Dave Presotto extracted into a library that appeared in the Eighth Edition. Pike's implementation incorporated submatch tracking into an efficient NFA simulation but, like the rest of the Eighth Edition source, was not widely distributed. Pike himself did not realize that his technique was anything new. Henry Spencer reimplemented the Eighth Edition library interface from scratch, but using backtracking, and released his implementation into the public domain. It became very widely used, eventually serving as the basis for the slow regular expression implementations mentioned earlier: Perl, PCRE, Python, and so on. (In his defense, Spencer knew the routines could be slow, and he didn't know that a more efficient algorithm existed. He even warned in the documentation, “Many users have found the speed perfectly adequate, although replacing the insides of egrep with this code would be a mistake.”) Pike's regular expression implementation, extended to support Unicode, was made freely available with sam in late 1992, but the particularly efficient regular expression search algorithm went unnoticed. The code is now available in many forms: as part of sam, as Plan 9's regular expression library, or packaged separately for Unix. Ville Laurikari independently discovered Pike's algorithm in 1999, developing a theoretical foundation as well [2].

Finally, any discussion of regular expressions would be incomplete without mentioning Jeffrey Friedl's book Mastering Regular Expressions, perhaps the most popular reference among today's programmers. Friedl's book teaches programmers how best to use today's regular expression implementations, but not how best to implement them. What little text it devotes to implementation issues perpetuates the widespread belief that recursive backtracking is the only way to simulate an NFA. Friedl makes it clear that he neither understands nor respects the underlying theory.


Lee Feigenbaum, James Grimmelmann, Alex Healy, William Josephson, and Arnold Robbins read drafts of this article and made many helpful suggestions. Rob Pike clarified some of the history surrounding his regular expression implementation. Thanks to all.


[1] L. Peter Deutsch and Butler Lampson, “An online editor,” Communications of the ACM 10(12) (December 1967), pp. 793–799.
[2] Ville Laurikari, “NFAs with Tagged Transitions, their Conversion to Deterministic Automata and Application to Regular Expressions,” in Proceedings of the Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval, September 2000.
[3] M. Douglas McIlroy, “Enumerating the strings of regular languages,” Journal of Functional Programming 14 (2004), pp. 503–518. ~doug/nfa.ps.gz (preprint)
[4] R. McNaughton and H. Yamada, “Regular expressions and state graphs for automata,” IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers EC-9(1) (March 1960), pp. 39–47.
[5] Paul Pierce, “CTSS source listings.” (Thompson's QED is in the file com5 in the source listings archive and is marked as 0QED)
[6] Rob Pike, “The text editor sam,” Software—Practice & Experience 17(11) (November 1987), pp. 813–845.
[7] Michael Rabin and Dana Scott, “Finite automata and their decision problems,” IBM Journal of Research and Development 3 (1959), pp. 114–125.
[8] Dennis Ritchie, “An incomplete history of the QED text editor.” ~dmr/qed.html
[9] Ken Thompson, “Regular expression search algorithm,” Communications of the ACM 11(6) (June 1968), pp. 419–422. (PDF)
[10] Tom Van Vleck, “The IBM 7094 and CTSS.”

