在Android上,为了某些需要,我们需要一个小而精减的busybox(如果不懂busybox是什么),请跳过此文。当然我们也可以用gcc的toolchains来build, 但生成出来的那个二进制文件的size会让你疯狂。而用NDK生成出来的二进制则是gcc生成的五分之一左右。我做过试验,同样一个busybox的配置,gcc生成的busybox是460k左右,NDK生成出来的则是84k。
下面开始正题, 首先需要哪些环境:
1. Linux系统环境,我这里是(Ubuntu 10.x),你也可以用一个虚拟机,我就是用的虚拟机。
2. 安装了gcc,make,和NDK,可以从上面内容看到,我用的是r5c版。这些怎么配置这里略过,网上一搜一大把。
1. 將/opt/android-ndk-r6/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr 下的include和lib覆盖拷贝/opt/android-ndk-r6/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/arm-linux-androideabi目录下。这里用哪个平台的头文件和库你自己可以看着办。差别不大。
2. 解压busybox包,然后进入解压后的busybox目录
3. make menuconfig
Busybox Settings->Build Options->
[*] Build BusyBox as a static binary (no shared libs)
Cross Compiler prefix: /opt/android-ndk-r6/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-
Busybox Settings->General Configuration->
[*] Enable options for full-blown desktop systems │ │
│ │[ ] Provide compatible behavior for rare corner cases (bigger code) │ │
│ │[*] Enable obsolete features removed before SUSv3 │ │
│ │[ ] Avoid using GCC-specific code constructs │ │
│ │[*] Enable Linux-specific applets and features │ │
│ │ Buffer allocation policy (Allocate with Malloc) ---> │ │
│ │[*] Show terse applet usage messages │ │
│ │[*] Show verbose applet usage messages │ │
│ │[*] Store applet usage messages in compressed form │ │
│ │[*] Support --install [-s] to install applet links at runtime │ │
│ │[*] Don't use /usr │ │
│ │[ ] Enable locale support (system needs locale for this to work) │ │
│ │[ ] Support Unicode │ │
│ │[*] Support for --long-options │ │
│ │[*] Use the devpts filesystem for Unix98 PTYs │ │
│ │[ ] Clean up all memory before exiting (usually not needed) │ │
│ │[ ] Support wtmp file │ │
│ │[ ] Support utmp file │ │
│ │[ ] Support writing pidfiles │ │
│ │[ ] Support for SUID/SGID handling │ │
│ │[ ] Support NSA Security Enhanced Linux │ │
│ │[ ] exec prefers applets │ │
│ │(/proc/self/exe) Path to BusyBox executable