/** * angularjs分页控件 * Created by CHEN on 2016/11/1. */ angular.module('myModule', []).directive('myPagination', function () { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, scope: { option: '=pageOption' }, template: '<ul>' + '<li ng-click="pageClick(p)" ng-repeat="p in page">' + '<a href="javascript:;" >{{p}}</a>' + '</li>' + '</ul>', link: function ($scope) { //容错处理 if (!$scope.option.curr || isNaN($scope.option.curr) || $scope.option.curr < 1) $scope.option.curr = 1; if (!$scope.option.all || isNaN($scope.option.all) || $scope.option.all < 1) $scope.option.all = 1; if ($scope.option.curr > $scope.option.all) $scope.option.curr = $scope.option.all; if (!$scope.option.count || isNaN($scope.option.count) || $scope.option.count < 1) $scope.option.count = 10; //得到显示页数的数组 $scope.page = getRange($scope.option.curr, $scope.option.all, $scope.option.count); //绑定点击事件 $scope.pageClick = function (page) { if (page == '«') { page = parseInt($scope.option.curr) - 1; } else if (page == '»') { page = parseInt($scope.option.curr) + 1; } if (page < 1) page = 1; else if (page > $scope.option.all) page = $scope.option.all; //点击相同的页数 不执行点击事件 if (page == $scope.option.curr) return; if ($scope.option.click && typeof $scope.option.click === 'function') { $scope.option.click(page); $scope.option.curr = page; $scope.page = getRange($scope.option.curr, $scope.option.all, $scope.option.count); } }; //返回页数范围(用来遍历) function getRange(curr, all, count) { //计算显示的页数 curr = parseInt(curr); all = parseInt(all); count = parseInt(count); var from = curr - parseInt(count / 2); var to = curr + parseInt(count / 2) + (count % 2) - 1; //显示的页数容处理 if (from <= 0) { from = 1; to = from + count - 1; if (to > all) { to = all; } } if (to > all) { to = all; from = to - count + 1; if (from <= 0) { from = 1; } } var range = []; for (var i = from; i <= to; i++) { range.push(i); } range.push('»'); range.unshift('«'); return range; } } } });
<!doctype html> <html ng-app="app"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Angularjs分页控件</title> <script src="https://www.jb51.net/angular.min.js"></script> <!-- 引入angularjs文件,而且是1.x版本的 --> <script src="https://www.jb51.net/angular-pagination.js"></script> <!-- 引入angularjs分页控件 --> <script src="https://www.jb51.net/article/app.js"></script> <!-- 引入app.js --> </head> <body> <!-- 控制器 --> <div ng-controller="myCtrl"> <!-- 分页控件指令 ,可以是元素 或者 属性 --> <my-pagination page-option="option"></my-pagination> </div> </body> </html>
//引入 'myModele' 模块 var app = angular.module('app', ['myModule']); app.contriller('myCtrl', function($scope){ //设置分页的参数 $scope.option = { curr: 1, //当前页数 all: 20, //总页数 count: 10, //最多显示的页数,默认为10 //点击页数的回调函数,参数page为点击的页数 click: function (page) { console.log(page); //这里可以写跳转到某个页面等... } } });