问题1, 使用jffs2文件系统:
JFFS2 error: (1) jffs2_build_inode_pass1: child dir "fon
ts" (ino #13) of dir ino #4 appears to be a hard link
VFS: Mounted root (jffs2 filesystem).
Freeing unused kernel memory: 304k freed
Warning: unable to open an initial console.
Failed to execute /Linuxrc. Attempting defaults...
Kernel panic - not syncing: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel.
原因: flash没有erase彻底.
问题2, 使用cramfs时出错:
VFS: Mounted root (cramfs filesystem) readonly.
Freeing unused kernel memory: 304k freed
Error -3 while decompressing!
Failed to execute /Linuxrc. Attempting defaults...
Kernel panic - not syncing: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel.
原因: 没有仔细看 mkfs.cramfs 的手册, 需要指定-b参数, 大小与PAGE_SIZE一样 (查看.config文件 CONFIG_PAGE_SIZE_16KB=y).
问题3 :
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
原因: 应该是/etc/fstab 之类的文件没有或者是修改但是有错误,查看修改后重新编译再试试吧。