
Android 2.2开始新增的缩略图类ThumbnailUtils的主要方法是静态的,对于Android 2.2或API Level8以下的工程可以直接使用,本类相对于我们常规的缩略图类考虑更周全,除了尺寸比例优化外,针对OOM的内存管理方面有更周全的处理方式,完整代码如下,

public class ThumbnailUtils {
    private static final String TAG = "ThumbnailUtils";

/* Maximum pixels size for created bitmap. */
    private static final int MAX_NUM_PIXELS_THUMBNAIL = 512 * 384;
    private static final int MAX_NUM_PIXELS_MICRO_THUMBNAIL = 128 * 128;
    private static final int UNCONSTRAINED = -1;

/* Options used internally. */
    private static final int OPTIONS_NONE = 0x0;
    private static final int OPTIONS_SCALE_UP = 0x1;

     * Constant used to indicate we should recycle the input in
     * {@link #extractThumbnail(Bitmap, int, int, int)} unless the output is the input.
    public static final int OPTIONS_RECYCLE_INPUT = 0x2;

     * Constant used to indicate the dimension of mini thumbnail.
     * @hide Only used by media framework and media provider internally.
    public static final int TARGET_SIZE_MINI_THUMBNAIL = 320;

     * Constant used to indicate the dimension of micro thumbnail.
     * @hide Only used by media framework and media provider internally.
    public static final int TARGET_SIZE_MICRO_THUMBNAIL = 96;

     * This method first examines if the thumbnail embedded in EXIF is bigger than our target
     * size. If not, then it'll create a thumbnail from original image. Due to efficiency
     * consideration, we want to let MediaThumbRequest avoid calling this method twice for
     * both kinds, so it only requests for MICRO_KIND and set saveImage to true.
     * This method always returns a "square thumbnail" for MICRO_KIND thumbnail.
     * @param filePath the path of image file
     * @param kind could be MINI_KIND or MICRO_KIND
     * @return Bitmap
     * @hide This method is only used by media framework and media provider internally.
    public static Bitmap createImageThumbnail(String filePath, int kind) {
        boolean wantMini = (kind == Images.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND);
        int targetSize = wantMini
        int maxPixels = wantMini
                ? MAX_NUM_PIXELS_THUMBNAIL
        SizedThumbnailBitmap sizedThumbnailBitmap = new SizedThumbnailBitmap();
        Bitmap bitmap = null;
        MediaFileType fileType = MediaFile.getFileType(filePath);
        if (fileType != null && fileType.fileType == MediaFile.FILE_TYPE_JPEG) {
            createThumbnailFromEXIF(filePath, targetSize, maxPixels, sizedThumbnailBitmap);
            bitmap = sizedThumbnailBitmap.mBitmap;

if (bitmap == null) {
            try {
                FileDescriptor fd = new FileInputStream(filePath).getFD();
                BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
                options.inSampleSize = 1;
                options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
                BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor(fd, null, options);
                if (options.mCancel || options.outWidth == -1
                        || options.outHeight == -1) {
                    return null;
                options.inSampleSize = computeSampleSize(
                        options, targetSize, maxPixels);
                options.inJustDecodeBounds = false;

