Ubuntu 9.10 Server 英文版。服务器版还是以稳定高效为主,也没有安装图形界面,另外主要是通过putty.exe远程访问。没有采用中文版的原因是,在shell下,中文字体可能没有安装总显示乱码,拜过谷哥大神,未解决。
2 安装软件及模块一览
(1)Apache2.2.14 自己下载编译。未用ubuntu 9.10 server 下apt-get安装的apache2 是因为这个版本的apache2在启用ssl的时候总是报undefined symbol apr_ldap_ssl_init错误,此处我怀疑可能是ubuntu9.10 server的问题,我在虚拟机ubuntu 8.04 desktop下配置成功。
(2)OpenSSL 通过apt-get install openssl 安装即可
(3)Subversion 自己编译下载。很不幸,我无法使用ubuntu的subversion来成功配置SSL。
3 Ubuntu & Linux
One can distinguish between commercially backed distributions, such as Fedora (Red Hat), openSUSE (Novell), Ubuntu (Canonical Ltd.), and Mandriva Linux (Mandriva) and entirely community-driven distributions such as Debian and Gentoo, though there are other distributions that are driven neither by a corporation nor a community, perhaps most famously Slackware.