--without-pcre - 禁止 PCRE 库的使用。同时也会禁止 HTTP rewrite 模块。在 "location" 配置指令中的正则表达式也需要 PCRE 。
--with-pcre=DIR - 指定 PCRE 库的源代码的路径。
--with-pcre-opt=OPTIONS - Set additional options for PCRE building.
--with-md5=DIR - Set path to md5 library sources.
--with-md5-opt=OPTIONS - Set additional options for md5 building.
--with-md5-asm - Use md5 assembler sources.
--with-sha1=DIR - Set path to sha1 library sources.
--with-sha1-opt=OPTIONS - Set additional options for sha1 building.
--with-sha1-asm - Use sha1 assembler sources.
--with-zlib=DIR - Set path to zlib library sources.
--with-zlib-opt=OPTIONS - Set additional options for zlib building.
--with-zlib-asm=CPU - Use zlib assembler sources optimized for specified CPU, valid values are: pentium, pentiumpro
--with-openssl=DIR - Set path to OpenSSL library sources
Set additional options for OpenSSL building
--with-debug - 启用调试日志
--add-module=PATH - Add in a third-party module found in directory PATH
在不同版本间,选项可能会有些许变化,请总是使用 ./configure --help 命令来检查一下当前的选项列表。