;; Backend servers
;; Place each server in its own [section]
;; The main Debian archive
;; You can override the default timeout like this:
;timeout = 30
;; Backend servers, in order of preference
backends =
min_refresh_delay = 1d
;; Debian security archive
backends =
min_refresh_delay = 1m
; Ubuntu archive
backends = http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
; Ubuntu security updates
backends =
;backends = ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat
; Backend servers, in order of preference
;backends =
; Debian debian-non-US archive
;backends =
; Debian security archive
;backends =
; OpenOffice.org packages
;backends = http://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/MIRRORS/OpenOffice.deb
; Apt-proxy new versions
;backends =