error while loading shared libraries: /usr/local/tokyocabinet-1.4.47/lib/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied
在google一下,说是没有建立它的软连接:ln -s /usr/local/tokyocabinet-1.4.47/lib/ /usr/lib/
可是做了,还是报错 继续google,解决办法为:vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux file 修改SELINUX=disabled
httpsqs -h -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTTP Simple Queue Service - httpsqs v1.7 (April 14, 2011) Author: Zhang Yan (), E-mail: This is free software, and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the New BSD License -l <ip_addr> interface to listen on, default is -p <num> TCP port number to listen on (default: 1218) -x <path> database directory (example: /opt/httpsqs/data) -t <second> keep-alive timeout for an http request (default: 60) -s <second> the interval to sync updated contents to the disk (default: 5) -c <num> the maximum number of non-leaf nodes to be cached (default: 1024) -m <size> database memory cache size in MB (default: 100) -i <file> save PID in <file> (default: /tmp/ -a <auth> the auth password to access httpsqs (example: mypass123) -d run as a daemon -h print this help and exit Use command "killall httpsqs", "pkill httpsqs" and "kill `cat /tmp/`" to stop httpsqs. Please note that don't use the command "pkill -9 httpsqs" and "kill -9 PID of httpsqs"! Please visit "" for more help information.