实现一个完整的Node.js RESTful API的示例(4)

/** * @api {get} /tasks List the user's tasks * @apiGroup Tasks * @apiHeader {String} Authorization Token of authenticated user * @apiHeaderExample {json} Header * { * "Authorization": "xyz.abc.123.hgf" * } * @apiSuccess {Object[]} tasks Task list * @apiSuccess {Number} tasks.id Task id * @apiSuccess {String} tasks.title Task title * @apiSuccess {Boolean} tasks.done Task is done? * @apiSuccess {Date} tasks.updated_at Update's date * @apiSuccess {Date} tasks.created_at Register's date * @apiSuccess {Number} tasks.user_id The id for the user's * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * [{ * "id": 1, * "title": "Study", * "done": false, * "updated_at": "2016-02-10T15:46:51.778Z", * "created_at": "2016-02-10T15:46:51.778Z", * "user_id": 1 * }] * @apiErrorExample {json} List error * HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed */ /** * @api {post} /users Register a new user * @apiGroup User * @apiParam {String} name User name * @apiParam {String} email User email * @apiParam {String} password User password * @apiParamExample {json} Input * { * "name": "James", * "email": "James@mc.com", * "password": "123456" * } * @apiSuccess {Number} id User id * @apiSuccess {String} name User name * @apiSuccess {String} email User email * @apiSuccess {String} password User encrypted password * @apiSuccess {Date} update_at Update's date * @apiSuccess {Date} create_at Rigister's date * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success * { * "id": 1, * "name": "James", * "email": "James@mc.com", * "updated_at": "2016-02-10T15:20:11.700Z", * "created_at": "2016-02-10T15:29:11.700Z" * } * @apiErrorExample {json} Rergister error * HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed */




有的时候,处于安全方面的考虑,我们的API可能只允许某些域名的访问,因此在这里引入一个强大的模块 cors ,介绍它的文章,网上有很多,大家可以直接搜索,在该项目中是这么使用的:

app.use(cors({ origin: ["http://localhost:3001"], methods: ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"], allowedHeaders: ["Content-Type", "Authorization"] }));


打印请求日志同样是一个很重要的任务,因此引进了 winston 模块。下边是对他的配置:

import fs from "fs" import winston from "winston" if (!fs.existsSync("logs")) { fs.mkdirSync("logs"); } module.exports = new winston.Logger({ transports: [ new winston.transports.File({ level: "info", filename: "logs/app.log", maxsize: 1048576, maxFiles: 10, colorize: false }) ] });


{"level":"info","message":"::1 - - [26/Sep/2017:11:16:23 +0000] \"GET /tasks HTTP/1.1\" 200 616\n","timestamp":"2017-09-26T11:16:23.089Z"} {"level":"info","message":"::1 - - [26/Sep/2017:11:16:43 +0000] \"OPTIONS /user HTTP/1.1\" 204 0\n","timestamp":"2017-09-26T11:16:43.583Z"} {"level":"info","message":"Tue Sep 26 2017 19:16:43 GMT+0800 (CST) Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `password`, `email`, `created_at`, `updated_at` FROM `Users` AS `Users` WHERE `Users`.`id` = 342;","timestamp":"2017-09-26T11:16:43.592Z"} {"level":"info","message":"Tue Sep 26 2017 19:16:43 GMT+0800 (CST) Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `email` FROM `Users` AS `Users` WHERE `Users`.`id` = 342;","timestamp":"2017-09-26T11:16:43.596Z"} {"level":"info","message":"::1 - - [26/Sep/2017:11:16:43 +0000] \"GET /user HTTP/1.1\" 200 73\n","timestamp":"2017-09-26T11:16:43.599Z"} {"level":"info","message":"::1 - - [26/Sep/2017:11:16:49 +0000] \"OPTIONS /user HTTP/1.1\" 204 0\n","timestamp":"2017-09-26T11:16:49.658Z"} {"level":"info","message":"Tue Sep 26 2017 19:16:49 GMT+0800 (CST) Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `password`, `email`, `created_at`, `updated_at` FROM `Users` AS `Users` WHERE `Users`.`id` = 342;","timestamp":"2017-09-26T11:16:49.664Z"} {"level":"info","message":"Tue Sep 26 2017 19:16:49 GMT+0800 (CST) Executing (default): DELETE FROM `Users` WHERE `id` = 342","timestamp":"2017-09-26T11:16:49.669Z"} {"level":"info","message":"::1 - - [26/Sep/2017:11:16:49 +0000] \"DELETE /user HTTP/1.1\" 204 -\n","timestamp":"2017-09-26T11:16:49.714Z"} {"level":"info","message":"::1 - - [26/Sep/2017:11:17:04 +0000] \"OPTIONS /token HTTP/1.1\" 204 0\n","timestamp":"2017-09-26T11:17:04.905Z"} {"level":"info","message":"Tue Sep 26 2017 19:17:04 GMT+0800 (CST) Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `password`, `email`, `created_at`, `updated_at` FROM `Users` AS `Users` WHERE `Users`.`email` = 'xiaoxiao@mc.com' LIMIT 1;","timestamp":"2017-09-26T11:17:04.911Z"} {"level":"info","message":"::1 - - [26/Sep/2017:11:17:04 +0000] \"POST /token HTTP/1.1\" 401 12\n","timestamp":"2017-09-26T11:17:04.916Z"}


