var zlib = require('zlib'); var concatStream = require('concat-stream'); /** * Modify the response of json * @param res {Response} The http response * @param contentEncoding {String} The http header content-encoding: gzip/deflate * @param callback {Function} Custom modified logic */ module.exports = function modifyResponse(res, contentEncoding, callback) { var unzip, zip; // Now only deal with the gzip and deflate content-encoding. if (contentEncoding === 'gzip') { unzip = zlib.Gunzip(); zip = zlib.Gzip(); } else if (contentEncoding === 'deflate') { unzip = zlib.Inflate(); zip = zlib.Deflate(); } // The cache response method can be called after the modification. var _write = res.write; var _end = res.end; if (unzip) { unzip.on('error', function (e) { console.log('Unzip error: ', e); _end.call(res); }); } else { console.log('Not supported content-encoding: ' + contentEncoding); return; } // The rewrite response method is replaced by unzip stream. res.write = function (data) { unzip.write(data); }; res.end = function (data) { unzip.end(data); }; // Concat the unzip stream. var concatWrite = concatStream(function (data) { var body; try { body = JSON.parse(data.toString()); } catch (e) { body = data.toString(); console.log('JSON.parse error:', e); } // Custom modified logic if (typeof callback === 'function') { body = callback(body); } // Converts the JSON to buffer. body = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)); // Call the response method and recover the content-encoding. zip.on('data', function (chunk) { _write.call(res, chunk); }); zip.on('end', function () { _end.call(res); }); zip.write(body); zip.end(); }); unzip.pipe(concatWrite); };