无论是使用raw calls 或是contract calls,如果这个ExternalContract是不受信任的都应该假设存在恶意代码。即使ExternalContract不包含恶意代码,但它所调用的其他合约代码可能会包含恶意代码。一个具体的危险例子便是恶意代码可能会劫持控制流程导致竞态。
(浏览Race Conditions获取更多关于这个问题的讨论,
对于外部合约优先使用pull 而不是push
(这种方法同时也避免了造成 gas limit相关问题。
// bad contract auction { address highestBidder; uint highestBid;
function bid() payable {
if (msg.value < highestBid) throw;
if (highestBidder != 0) {
(!highestBidder.send(highestBid)) { // if
this call consistently fails, no one else can bid throw; } }
highestBidder = msg.sender; highestBid = msg.value; } }
// good contract auction { address highestBidder; uint highestBid; mapping(address => uint) refunds;
function bid() payable external {
if (msg.value < highestBid) throw;
if (highestBidder != 0) { refunds[highestBidder] +=
highestBid; // record the refund that this user can claim }
highestBidder = msg.sender; highestBid = msg.value; }
function withdrawRefund() external { uint refund = refunds[msg.sender]; refunds[msg.sender] = 0; if (!msg.sender.send(refund)) { refunds[msg.sender] = refund; //
reverting state because send failed } } }
// bad Bank.withdraw(100); // Unclear whether
trusted or untrusted
function makeWithdrawal(uint amount) { //
Isn\'t clear that this function is potentially unsafe Bank.withdraw(amount);
// good
UntrustedBank.withdraw(100); // untrusted external call
TrustedBank.withdraw(100); // external but trusted bank contract maintained by XYZ Corp
function makeUntrustedWithdrawal(uint amount) { UntrustedBank.withdraw(amount);
当断言条件不满足时将触发断言保护 -- 比如不变的属性发生了变化。举个例子,代币在以太坊上的发行比例,在代币的发行合约里可以通过这种方式得到解决。断言保护经常需要和其他技术组合使用,比如当断言被触发时先挂起合约然后升级。(否则将一直触发断言,你将陷入僵局)
contract Token { mapping(address => uint) public balanceOf; uint public totalSupply;